Gold bug

The term gold bug might apply to:

The concept, in the second sense, was popularized in the 1896 US Presidential Election, when William McKinley supporters took to wearing gold lapel pins, gold neckties, and gold headbands in a demonstration of support for gold against the "silver menace."[9]

See also


  1. Gevinson, Alan. Silverites, Populists, and the Movement for Free Silver., accessed 18 December 2011.
  2. Konczal, Mike (21 January 2011). "Kristol, Kalecki, and a 19th Century Economist Defending Patriarchy all on Political Macroeconomics.". Rortybomb.
  3. Krugman, Paul (22 November 1996). "The Gold Bug Variations". Slate. Archived from the original on 2 December 1998.
  4. "As price of gold falls, conspiracy theories rise". The Globe and Mail. Retrieved 26 July 2014.
  5. "Paranoids have enemies, radical gold bugs have Wall Street". Market Watch. Retrieved 26 July 2014.
  6. "About GATA". GATA. Retrieved 26 July 2014.
  7. "GATA and Gold: The Truth is Revealed". The Motley Fool. Retrieved 26 July 2014.
  8. "Debunking the Post-CFTC Precious Metals Fear Mongering Campaign". Peak Prosperity. Retrieved 27 July 2014.
  9. Mieczkowski, Yanek and Carnes, The Routledge Historical Atlas of Presidential Elections (2001), p.176. ISBN 0-415-92133-3