Glossary of mammalian dental topography
Many different terms have been proposed for features of the tooth crown in mammals.
Upper teeth
Name | Nomenclature term is used in | Definition | Comments | Image |
Anterolingual conule | Reig (1977)[1] | A conule on the lingual side of an anterocone divided by an anteromedian flexus or fossette | | |
Anteromedian flexus | Reig (1977)[1] | A longitudinal flexus dividing the anterocone into anterolabial and anterolingual conules | | |
Anterolabial conule | Reig (1977)[1] | A conule on the labial side of an anterocone divided by an anteromedian flexus or fossette | | |
Anterocone | Reig (1977)[1] | A cusp at the front of the tooth that may be divided into anterolabial and anterolingual conules | | |
Protostyle | Reig (1977)[1] | A style in front of the protocone, in the protoflexus | | |
Protoflexus | Reig (1977)[1] | A flexus between the protocone and the anterolingual conule | | |
Anterior mure | Reig (1977)[1] | A crest connecting the anterocone to the protocone | | |
Protocone | Reig (1977)[1] | One of the main cusps, at the anterolingual side | | |
Enterostyle | Reig (1977)[1] | A style between the protocone and the hypocone, in the hypoflexus | | |
Enteroloph | Reig (1977)[1] | A crest connecting the enterostyle to the mesocone | | |
Hypoflexus | Reig (1977)[1] | A flexus between the protocone and the hypocone | | |
Mesocone | Reig (1977)[1] | A conule in the median mure where the mesoloph is attached to it | | |
Median mure | Reig (1977)[1] | A crest connecting the protocone/paracone to the hypocone/metacone | | |
Hypocone | Reig (1977)[1] | One of the main cusps, at the posterolingual side | | |
Procingulum | Reig (1977)[1] | The front part of the tooth, before the anterior mure | | |
Anteroflexus | Reig (1977)[1] | A flexus between the anteroloph and the anterolabial conule | | |
Anteroloph | Reig (1977)[1] | A crest between the paracone and the anterolabial conule that may be connecting to a parastyle | | |
Parastyle | Reig (1977)[1] | A style in front of the paracone | | |
Paraflexus | Reig (1977)[1] | A flexus in front of the paracone | | |
Protolophule | Reig (1977)[1] | A small crest in the paraflexus, connected to the protocone | | |
Paraloph | Reig (1977)[1] | A crest attaching the paracone to the protocone or the median mure | | |
Paracone | Reig (1977)[1] | One of the main cusps, at the anterolabial side | | |
Paralophule | Reig (1977)[1] | A small crest attached to the back side of the paracone | | |
Mesoflexus | Reig (1977)[1] | A flexus between the mesoloph and the paracone | | |
Mesostyle | Reig (1977)[1] | A style at the labial margin between the paracone and metacone | | |
Mesoloph | Reig (1977)[1] | A crest in front of the metaflexus, connected to the median mure | | |
Metaflexus | Reig (1977)[1] | A flexus in front of the metacone | | |
Metalophule | Reig (1977)[1] | A small crest attached to the front side of the metacone | | |
Metacone | Reig (1977)[1] | One of the main cusps, at the posterolabial side | | |
Metaloph | Reig (1977)[1] | A crest attaching the paracone to the hypocone | | |
Posteroflexus | Reig (1977)[1] | A flexus between the posteroloph and the metacone | | |
Posterostyle | Reig (1977)[1] | A crest on the posterolabial corner of the molar | | |
Posteroloph | Reig (1977)[1] | A crest at the back of the molar, connected to the hypocone | | |
Lower teeth
Name | Nomenclature term is used in | Definition | Comments | Image |
Anterolingual conulid | Reig (1977)[1] | A conulid on the lingual side of an anteroconid divided by an anteromedian flexid or fossettid | | |
Anteromedian flexid | Reig (1977)[1] | A longitudinal flexid dividing the anteroconid into anterolabial and anterolingual conules | | |
Anterolabial conulid | Reig (1977)[1] | A conulid on the labial side of an anteroconid divided by an anteromedian flexid or fossettid | | |
Anteroconid | Reig (1977)[1] | A cusp at the front of the tooth that may be divided into anterolabial and anterolingual conulids | | |
Anterolabial cingulum | Reig (1977)[1] | A crest before the protoconid and protoflexid | | |
Protostylid | Reig (1977)[1] | A stylid in front of the protoconid, in the protoflexid | | |
Protoflexid | Reig (1977)[1] | A flexid between the protoconid and the anterolabial conulid | | |
Anterior murid | Reig (1977)[1] | A crest connecting the anteroconid to the protoconid | | |
Protoconid | Reig (1977)[1] | One of the main cusps, at the anterolabial side | | |
Ectostylid | Reig (1977)[1] | A stylid between the protoconid and the hypoconid, in the hypoflexid | | |
Ectolophid | Reig (1977)[1] | A crest connecting the ectostylid to the mesoconid | | |
Hypoflexid | Reig (1977)[1] | A flexid between the protoconid and the hypoconid | | |
Mesoconid | Reig (1977)[1] | A conulid in the median murid where the mesolophid is attached to it | | |
Median murid | Reig (1977)[1] | A crest connecting the protoconid/metaconid to the hypoconid/entoconid | | |
Hypoconid | Reig (1977)[1] | One of the main cusps, at the posterolabial side | | |
Procingulum | Reig (1977)[1] | The front part of the tooth, before the anterior murid | | |
Anteroflexid | Reig (1977)[1] | A flexid between the anterolophid and the anterolingual conulid | | |
Anterolophid | Reig (1977)[1] | A crest between the metaconid and the anterolabial conulid that may be connecting to a metastylid | | |
Metastylid | Reig (1977)[1] | A stylid in front of the metaconid | | |
Metaflexid | Reig (1977)[1] | A flexid in front of the metaconid | | |
Protolophulid | Reig (1977)[1] | A small crest in the mesoflexid, connected to the protoconid | | |
Metalophid | Reig (1977)[1] | A crest attaching the metaconid to the protoconid or the anterior murid | | |
Metaconid | Reig (1977)[1] | One of the main cusps, at the anterolingual side | | |
Metalophulid | Reig (1977)[1] | A small crest attached to the back side of the metaconid | | |
Mesoflexid | Reig (1977)[1] | A flexid between the mesolophid and the paraconid | | |
Mesostylid | Reig (1977)[1] | A stylid at the labial margin between the metaconid and entoconid | | |
Mesolophid | Reig (1977)[1] | A crest in front of the entoflexid, connected to the median murid | | |
Entoflexid | Reig (1977)[1] | A flexid in front of the entoconid | | |
Entolophulid | Reig (1977)[1] | A small crest attached to the front side of the entoconid | | |
Entoconid | Reig (1977)[1] | One of the main cusps, at the posterolingual side | | |
Entolophid | Reig (1977)[1] | A crest attaching the entoconid to the hypoconid or median murid | | |
Posteroflexid | Reig (1977)[1] | A flexid between the posterolophid and the metaconid | | |
Hypolophulid | Reig (1977)[1] | A small crest in the posteroflexid attached to the posterolophid | | |
Posterostylid | Reig (1977)[1] | A crest on the posterolingual corner of the molar | | |
Posterolophid | Reig (1977)[1] | A crest at the back of the molar, connected to the hypoconid | | |
Literature cited