Globe of death

Performance at "Flic Flac" in 2010

The globe of death is a circus and carnival stunt where as many as eight performers ride motorcycles inside a mesh sphere simultaneously. It is similar to the wall of death, but in this act riders can loop vertically as well as horizontally.[1] There have been three performance related deaths recorded between 1949-1997.[2] The youngest recorded person to ride a motorcycle in the globe of death is Maximus Garcia who was four years, six months, and 28 days old on August 16, 2006. [3] The only World Record recognized by the Guinness book was 6 riders and one person in the center by the Infernal Varanne team.[4]

Nowadays, recognized by the Rankbrasil Records in 2010, Claudio Rodrigues is the oldest Brazilian globe rider and he is still riding in the globe. Today he is 69 and has a lot of energy together with his 2 sons. The Brazilian records is in [5]

Leo Garcia of the Garcia Family Thrill Riders designed and built the very first (horizontal) Triple Splitting Globe of Death in 2006. This Globe is the only one of its kind that hydraulically lifts 5 ft off the ground and splits/separates into three (3) sections while the Garcia Thrill Riders race their motorcycles in the center piece with a 4 ft gap underneath them. During this operation, the entire sphere lifts at over 23 ft high.

The Ives Brothers were some of the youngest Globe of Death riders in the US. Cody and Kyle Ives were 9 & 8 years old respectively. They used the skills from riding in the Globe of Death and applied them to the Wall of Death in 2011 at the ages of 17 & 18 years old. You can find the Ives Brothers traveling around the US 9 months out the year performing the Wall of Death, and the Globe of Death.
