Giustino Durano

Giustino Durano on stage (1955)

Giustino Durano (May 5, 1923 in Brindisi, Italy - February 18, 2002 in Bologna, Italy) was a long lasting movie actor who is best known for his work as Eliseo Orefice in the 1997 film, Life Is Beautiful. For his role he was nominated in part for a Screen Actors Guild Award for Outstanding Performance by a Cast [1]

Life Is Beautiful

The movie is centered on his nephew Guido and his son Giosuè. In the movie he is the head waiter of a hotel dining room. As racial turmoil begins erupting in Italy against Jews, the waiter, his nephew and the nephew's son are taken to a concentration camp. While at the camp, he was separated from his nephew and later killed in a gas chamber along with several other elderly people.

Selected filmography
