
Gitanas is a Mexican telenovela which aired in 2004. It was largely based on the Chilean telenovela Romané, and was co-produced by the Mexican company Argos Comunicación and Telemundo. It aired at 9PM EST and PST from late 2004 until mid-2005. On September 26, 2007 at 10:00 am, Gitanas aired once again.This telenovela was aired in 6 countries around the world.


This telenovela tells the story of Maria Salomé, a young and stunning gypsy woman, played by Mexican actress Ana de la Reguera. She falls in love with a "gayó" (a non-gypsy man), Sebastián - played by Colombian actor Manolo Cardona. From the moment they meet in the fishing village of Topolobampo (Sinaloa), it is love at first sight. However, their love is forbidden by the gypsy code and judged because of the racism that exists against Maria's culture.

Other important characters include Salomé's grandfather (El Patriarca) and her mother Jovanka (Dolores Heredia), Rafael Domínguez (Carlos Torres Torrija), Doña Victoria Domínguez (Saby Kamalich), Mamá Pasca, Jonás (Erick Elías) and his father Drago, Padre Domínguez, and Salomé's sisters Sashenka and María Magdalena, as well as the iconic image of Santa Sara (Saint Sarah).



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