Giorgio van Straten

Giorgio van Straten
Born 1955
Florence, Italy
Occupation Novelist, librettist, playwright, editor, translator, critic, manager
Nationality Italian
Genre fiction
Notable works Il mio nome a memoria
(My Name, A Living Memory)
Notable awards Grand Official Order of Merit of the Republic, Viareggio Prize, Zerilli-Marimò Prize for Italian Fiction
Relatives Louis Fles, Barthold Fles
George Fles, Michael Fles
Bart Berman, Thijs Berman

Giorgio van Straten (born 1955) is an Italian writer, editor, translator and manager of arts organizations. In 2000 he was awarded the Grand Official Order of Merit of the Italian Republic.[1] That same year he won four literary prizes for Il mio nome a memoria, published in English as My Name, A Living Memory (2003).

From 1985 to 2002 Van Straten was the chairman of the Orchestra of Tuscany. From 2002 to 2005 he was general director of Maggio Musicale Fiorentino. From 2005 to 2008 he managed Palazzo delle Esposizioni e Scuderie del Quirinale in Rome. On 18 February 2009 he was appointed by the Parliamentary Commission for general direction and supervision of broadcasting services to the board of directors of the RAI. He also served as president of AGIS, the Italian association for the performing arts.

Books written

Honors and awards


  1. Grande Ufficiale Ordine al Merito della Repubblica Italiana – VAN STRATEN Sig. Giorgio. Retrieved 2008-08-28.
  2. "Currizione." The Economist 1996-05-18. Partially retrieved 2008-10-07.
  3. Margolin E: "My Name, A Living Memory." Forward 31 October 2003. Partially retrieved 2008-10-07.
  4. Ragusa O: "Giorgio van Straten: Il mio nome a memoria." World Literature 22 September 2000. Partially retrieved 2008-10-07.
  5. "NYU's Zerilli-Marimo Prize for Italian Fiction Awarded to Giorgio Van Straten for Il Mio Nome a Memoria." The Italian Voice 26 October 2000. Partially retrieved 2008-10-07.

External links