Giordano Berti

Giordano Berti

Giordano Berti (born 27 February 1959) is an Italian writer and teacher of History of Arts. Born in Bologna, he grew up in Monghidoro, a town of the Tuscan-Emilian Apennines. After obtaining his College diploma he went on to study history and philosophy at University of Bologna and shortly thereafter started his career of editor and writer.

Berti is an established and prolific author of many books about different subjects, such as History of Esotericism (magic, divination, witchcraft, alchemy, astrology, heresies, gnosticism, heaven and hell, angels and devils) in his relationship with Art. Some of Berti's books are translated in English, French, Spanish, German, Dutch, Polish and Japanese.

He was president and co-founder of the Istituto Graf at Bologna, an association dedicated to the research and, often, rediscovery of the Arts and Folklore. Berti frequently organises, with the patronage and support of local Councils, many Art and History exhibitions throughout Italy.

As a Tarot historian, Berti was invited, as special guest, at the third World Tarot Congress, in Chicago (May 10 to 14 2001), where he delivered a long conference titled "The Babel of Tarot, or the evolution of the 22 allegoric Triumph cards as a transformation into an esoteric language".

Berti is consultant for two Tarot and Playing Cards editors, Lo Scarabeo (Turin, Italy) and Dal Negro (Treviso, Italy).

Various exhibits catalogues

Together with important historians, Berti organized various History Exhibits and wrote the relatives Catalogues (availables in Italian only):

Tarot exhibits and catalogues

Together with Andrea Vitali, Middle Age historian and President of the Associazione Le Tarot (Faenza, Italy), and Michael Dummett, a British philosopher, Berti organized various exhibits on the History and Art of Tarot:

With Vitali, Berti also published some important catalogues:

Historical studies about tarot

In addition to the tarot exhibition catalogues, Berti published a lot of studies on tarot and card games history for the Italian editor Lo Scarabeo of Turin:

New Tarot Decks

Berti wrote, also, numerous reviews on Tarot of modern artists and himself invented new Tarot decks realized by great artists:

Other studies

Apart from tarot studies, Giordano Berti wrote some historical books about different themes of western spirituality. Below are some of the most important works:

External links