Ginza Mary

Ginza Mary
Type Mixed drink
Primary alcohol by volume
Served Straight up; without ice
Standard drinkware
Old Fashioned glass
Commonly used ingredients
  • 2 Oz. (4 parts) Vodka
  • 1 12 Oz. (3 parts) Sake
  • 2 Oz. (4 parts) Tomato Juice
  • 12 Oz. (1 part) Lemon Juice
  • 3-5 Dashes Tabasco Sauce
  • 2 Dashes Soy Sauce
Preparation Combine ingredients and cracked ice, mix, pour into chilled Old Fashioned Glass
Notes add freshly ground Black Pepper to taste.

Ginza Mary is a mixed drink.

See also


1. Berk, Sally Ann: "The New New York Bartenders Guide". BD&L, 1997 ISBN 1-57912-005-9