Gilbert Achcar

Gilbert Achcar
Born 1951
Beirut, Lebanon
Residence Lebanon
Nationality French and Lebanese
Fields academic and writer
prof. Gilbert Achcar in ABF-huset in Stockholm, Sweden. Sept 3 2014.

Gilbert Achcar (Arabic: جلبير الأشقر; born 1951) is a Lebanese academic, writer, socialist and anti-war activist. He lived in Lebanon until moving to France in 1983. He taught politics and international relations at the University of Paris VIII until 2003, when he took up a position at the Marc Bloch Centre in Berlin.

Since August 2007, Achcar has been a Professor of Development Studies and International Relations at the School of Oriental and African Studies of the University of London.

He is a frequent contributor to Le Monde Diplomatique, ZNet, and International Viewpoint.

Gilbert Achcar is a Fellow at the International Institute for Research and Education.

In March 2011, he wrote an article for ZNet that provoked a debate within the international left on the position towards the coalition intervention in Libya for humanitarian reasons.[1] He gave his support in March 2013 to the campaign of film director Ken Loach and activist Kate Hudson for a new left-wing party in the UK.[2]



  1. Achcar, Gilbert (24 March 2011). "Libya: a legitimate and necessary debate from an anti-imperialist perspective". ZNet.
  2. Loach, Ken; Hudson, Kate; Achcar, Gilbert (25 March 2013). "The Labour party has failed us. We need a new party of the left". The Guardian.

Additional reading

Articles and interviews

External links