Gigantic Music
Gigantic Music is an independent record label, founded by Brian Devine in 2000. Gigantic Music is based out of New York City.
Gigantic Music signed New York's well-established act The Walkmen for the band's fourth album, You & Me. Other acts include Gringo Star, Shy Child, and Your Youth.
Label Information
- Label President: Mike Bigel
- Address: 119 Ingraham St, #220 / Brooklyn, NY / 11237
- Website:
Signed Artists
- Birds Of Avalon
- Gringo Star
- Shy Child
- Your Youth
- ARMS (musician)
- Aa (Big A Little a)
- The Boggs
- The Builders and the Butchers
- Chubby
- The Cloud Room
- Dragons of Zynth
- Frances (band)
- Gringo Star
- Harlem Shakes
- Human Television
- The Hundred in the Hands
- Kevin Ayers
- Ladell Mclin
- Low Frequency in Stereo
- The Rumble Strips
- Shelby
- Seedy Gonzalez
- Some Action
- The Walkmen