Gideon of Scotland Yard

Jack Hawkins in the film Gideon's Day; John Gregson in the TV series Gideon's Way

Commander George Gideon of Scotland Yard is a fictional policeman who appeared in 26 police procedural novels, created by John Creasey who wrote 21 novels featuring this character under the pseudonym J.J. Marric, published between 1955 and 1976. The series was subsequently continued in a further 5 novels by William Vivian Butler.

The character

George Gideon ("G.G." or "Gee-Gee" to coppers and crooks alike) is powerfully built but has a gentle voice. He has pale-blue eyes. He is famed for his prodigious feats of memory and his ability to handle a bewildering work-load of cases simultaneously. Despite his seniority in rank, Gideon often takes a hands-on approach and on occasions physically engages with criminals. He is universally loved and respected by his staff - but they know to avoid him when his temper is aroused. In the first novel, Gideon's Day he holds the rank of Detective Superintendent, but in the second Gideon's Week, he has been promoted to Commander, and is the operational head of the Yard's entire CID, a position he holds for the rest of the series.

One of Creasey's technical advisers for the series was Commander George Hatherill, who had organized the British Army's Special Investigation Branch during World War II, and was the operational head of the London Metropolitan Police from 1954 through 1964 (the same position Gideon held in fiction) during which time he was awarded the OBE. Hatherill is generally believed to have been Creasey's model for Gideon.


He is married to Kate. When we first meet Gideon, this relationship is strained by the relatively recent loss of a child - but the Gideons' marriage survives. George and Kate have six surviving children (in the books - the number being trimmed in the TV series). Penny, their youngest, marries Alec Hobbs, Gideon's deputy and a widower. By the time Gideon's Way was published (1983), Alec and Penny have a son, George.

Film and TV

In Gideon's Day (1958, directed by John Ford, USA title: Gideon Of Scotland Yard), Gideon is played by Jack Hawkins. The co-stars were Dianne Foster, Cyril Cusack, and Andrew Ray. The film was released by Columbia Pictures.

A 26-part TV series Gideon's Way (USA title: Gideon C.I.D.) was made in 1964, starring John Gregson, which ran until 1966 in the UK, produced by ITC Entertainment.


The series was continued after Creasey's death by William Vivian Butler:

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