German Parliamentary Committee investigating the NSA spying scandal

The German Parliamentary Committee investigating the NSA spying scandal (official title: 1. Untersuchungsausschuss „NSA“) was started on March 20, 2014, by the German Parliament in order to investigate the extent and background of foreign secret services spying in Germany in the light of the Global surveillance disclosures (2013–present). The Committee is also in search of strategies on how to protect telecommunication with technical means.[1][2]


The committee is formed by eight members of the German Parliament.[3] The parliamentarian of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) Clemens Binninger was head of the committee but stepped down after six days. In a statement, Binninger clarified that the other committee members had insisted on inviting Edward Snowden to testify; Binninger objected to this and resigned in protest.[4][5] Patrick Sensburg (CDU) succeeded him.

Members of the Committee
Position Name Party
Chairman Patrick Sensburg CDU
Deputy Chairman Hans-Ulrich Krüger SPD
Member Christian Flisek SPD
Member Roderich Kiesewetter CDU
Member Andrea Lindholz CSU
Member Konstantin von Notz The Greens
Member Martina Renner The Left
Member Tankred Schipanski CDU
Deputy Members
Name Party
Marian Wendt CDU
Susanne Mittag SPD
Burkhard Lischka SPD
Stephan Mayer CSU
Tim Ostermann CDU
Hans-Christian Ströbele The Greens
André Hahn The Left
Nina Warken CDU
Former Members
Name Party
Clemens Binninger CDU

Discussion about the witness Snowden

On May 8, 2014, the committee unanimously decided to let US whistleblower Edward Snowden testify as a witness.[6]

On September 23, 2014, the Green Party and the The Left filed a constitutional complaint against the Christian Democratic Union, the Social Democrats and the NSA Parliamentary Committee because of the Christian Democrats' and the Social Democrats' refusal to let the witness Edward Snowden testify in Berlin. The accused proposed a video conference from Moscow which Snowden had refused.[7]

On September 28, 2014, the Green Party and The Left filed a constitutional complaint against German chancellor Merkel. According to them, she refuses to comply with her duty according to Chapter 44 of the German constitution to ensure a real investigation; especially by refusing to ensure the legal requirements to allow the witness Edward Snowden to testify.[8]

Testimony of former NSA employees Binney and Drake

On July 3, 2014, the former Technical Director of the NSA, William Binney, who had become a whistleblower after the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, testified to the committee. He said that the NSA has a totalitarian approach that has previously only been known from dictatorships and that there is no longer such a thing as privacy.[9][10] Former NSA employee Thomas Andrews Drake described the close cooperation between the NSA and the German secret service BND.[11][12]

Failed testimony of Greenwald

The US journalist Glenn Greenwald was asked to testify in September, 2014,. On August 1, 2014, he wrote in a letter that he was willing to support the Parliament's investigation on the espionage in Germany by the NSA. By their refusal to let the crucial witness Edward Snowden testify, German politicians had however shown that it is more important to them not to annoy the US than to really investigate and he was not willing to take part in a "ritual" that "shall seem like an investigation".[13][14]

Spying on the committee

On July 4, 2014, it was revealed to the public that BND agent Markus R. had been arrested on July 2, 2014, for apparently having spied. The 31 year old German is accused of having worked for the CIA.[15] After his arrest, the US ambassador John B. Emerson was summoned for talks at the German Foreign Office.[16][17][18][19][20]

It was revealed that the BND-agent had saved 218 secret BND documents on USB sticks since 2012 and sold them to US agents for a sum of 25,000 Euro in Salzburg, Austria. At least three of the documents were about the NSA Parliamentary Committee.[15][21] The Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution had mistaken him for a Russian spy and asked US colleagues to help uncover him.[22]

On July 9, 2014, a second US spy was discovered, who worked for the Secretary of Defense.[23][24]

In July 2014 a Parliament technician found out that the mobile phone of Roderich Kiesewetter, representative of the Christian Democratic Union in the committee, was spied on. Kiesewetter said there is evidence that all four Party representatives in the committee have been spied on.[25]

See also


The Green Party member of Parliament, Peter Pilz, wants a parliamentary committee on the NSA spying for Austria.[26]


  2. Deutscher Bundestag: 1. Untersuchungsausschuss („NSA“)
  3. Mitglieder des NSA-Untersuchungsausschusses,, accessed July 7, 2014
  4. Karl Otto Sattler (9 April 2014). "Deutscher Bundestag - NSA-Untersuchungsausschuss: Binninger tritt vom Ausschussvorsitz zurück".
  5. NSA-Ausschussvorsitzender geht im Streit,, April 14, 2014
  6. NSA-Ausschusschef will Snowden in Schweizer Botschaft befragen,, May 11, 2014
  7. Grüne und Linke klagen gegen NSA-Untersuchungsauss, September 26, 2014. Website FAZ, accessed September 26, 2014
  8. SPIEGEL ONLINE, Hamburg, Germany (28 September 2014). "NSA Sphaffre: Opposition verklagt Merkel wegen Snowden - SPIEGEL ONLINE". SPIEGEL ONLINE.
  9. Stuttgarter Zeitung, Stuttgart, Germany (3 July 2014). "NSA-Untersuchungsausschuss: 9/11 hat alles verändert - Politik - Stuttgarter Zeitung".
  10. Untersuchungsausschuss im Bundestag: US-Informant vergleicht NSA mit einer Diktatur, Der Spiegel, July 3, 2014
  11. Bundesnachrichtendienst „ein Wurmfortsatz der NSA“, FAZ July 4, 2014
  12. SPIEGEL ONLINE, Hamburg, Germany (4 July 2014). "Ex-NSA-Mitarbeiter Drake: BND untersttzte Drohnenkrieg der USA". SPIEGEL ONLINE.
  13. SPIEGEL ONLINE, Hamburg, Germany (1 August 2014). "Glenn Greenwald sagt Zeugenvernehmung vor NSA-Ausschuss ab". SPIEGEL ONLINE.
  14. "Glenn Greenwald sagt Untersuchungsausschuss ab: "Ritual, das die Illusion einer Untersuchung erwecken soll"".
  15. 15.0 15.1 Medien: Festgenommener BND-Mann spionierte für CIA, Sü, July 6, 2014
  16. taz. die tageszeitung. "BNDler soll für USA spioniert haben: Der amerikanische Brieföffner -".
  17. "BND-Mitarbeiter soll NSA-Ausschuss ausspioniert haben". Sü
  18. "31-Jähriger festgenommen: BND-Mitarbeiter ein US-Spion? -". 5 July 2014.
  19. SPIEGEL ONLINE, Hamburg, Germany (4 July 2014). "BND-Spion: US-Botschafter Emerson ins Auswrtige Amt gebeten". SPIEGEL ONLINE.
  20. SPIEGEL ONLINE, Hamburg, Germany (6 July 2014). "BND-Spion: Berlin zgert wie bei NSA mit Reaktionen gegenber Obama". SPIEGEL ONLINE.
  21. "Festnahme: BND-Mitarbeiter soll NSA-Untersuchungsausschuss ausspioniert haben". heise online. 4 July 2014.
  22. SPIEGEL ONLINE, Hamburg, Germany (5 July 2014). "BND: Verfassungsschutz wollte Agenten mit US-Hilfe enttarnen". SPIEGEL ONLINE.
  23. "Durchsuchung in Berlin: Weiterer US-Spion enttarnt?". 9 July 2014.
  24. "Zweiter US-Spion im Verteidigungsministerium". Sü
  26. news networld Internetservice GmbH. "Spionage: Peter Pilz fordert einen NSA-Untersuchungsausschuss".

External links

Parliamentary Committee

Snowden documents