Gerhard Charles Rump

Gerhard Charles Rump (*1947 in Bochum, Germany) is an author on art history and the theory of contemporary art, emeritus art history teacher at the Technical University of Berlin, curator, gallerist and fine art photographer.

Biography and career

Born in Bochum on February 24, 1947, he finished the Graf-Engelbert-Schule (Gymnasium) in 1967 and studied Art History, English Language and Literature, Philosophy, Pedagogics and Psychology at the Ruhr-Universität Bochum from 1968 to 1972; later also Anthropology at the Rheinische-Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität in Bonn. He received his PhD with a book on the British 18th Century portrait painter George Romney in 1972. He became a curator at the University of Bochum’s University Library, in 1974 he went to Bonn University as Assistant Professor for Art History. In 1983 he left the University to become a freelance journalist for the national newspapers “Die Welt” and “Rheinischer Merkur” as well as a number of regional journals like “Kölnische Rundschau” and “Bonner Rundschau”. Concurrently he worked as an asset consultant for “Deutsche Vermögensberatung”. In 1986/7 he was curator of monuments for the city of Wesel (Germany), but joined the computer printer manufacturer Mannesmann Tally (now TallyGenicom) in 1987 as corporate communications manager to become the company’s marketing director a few years late. In 1987 he had his Habilitation at the University of Duisburg. In 1994 he returned to journalism as art market editor for “Die Welt[1] while he pursued researching on art and art history[2] and gained some renown as media theorist, particularly on art communication and semiotics.[3] He also pursued his career as artist photographer.[4] In 2009 he contributed to Konstantin Akinsha's article on Russian avant garde which won the Association for Women in Communications' "Clarion Award".[5] In 2010 he finally left “Die Welt” in order to forcus on his activities as university teacher and essayist, as art journalist and curator.[6] In 2011 Catrin Rothe, Bernhard Ailinger and Gerhard Charles Rump founded the art project and producers’ "RAR Gallery" — Berlin, New York (NY) and Palo Alto (CA).

Publications (selected) [7]


  1. Gerhard Charles Rump's articles within the newspaper's archives.
  2. Cfr. e.g. Wolfgang Brassat: Das Historienbild im Zeitalter der Eloquenz, von Raffael bis Le Brun. Akademie Verlag, Berlin 2003, p. XXVIII et passim; Rafael de Weryha-Wysoczański: Strategien des Privaten, zum Landschaftspark von Humphry Repton und Fürst Pückler. Tenea Verlag, Berlin 2004, p. 91 et passim.
  3. Cfr. e.g. Edgar Roberto Kirchof: Estética e biossemiótica. EDIPUCRS, Porto Alegre 2008, passim; Claudia Maria Wolf: Bildsprache Und Medienbilder: Die Visuelle Darstellungslogik von Nachrichtenmagazinen. Vs Verlag, Wiesbaden 2006, pp. 130sqq. et passim.
  4. Cfr. reports on some of his exhibitions at "Samuelis Baumgarte Gallery — Bielefeld" in "Neue Westfälische" and "Westfalenblatt" newspapers.
  5. Cfr. Konstantin Akinsha: The Faking of the Russian Avant-Garde, in: ARTnews 07/01/09. and ARTnews Wins a Clarion Award, ibid. 07/01/10.
  6. Cfr. e. g. Michaela Nolte: Der Prophet klebt Briefmarken, in: Tagesspiegel 14/09/2012; Marlies Schnaibel: Burlesques Berlin, Falkenseer Malerin Sara Horwath auf der großen Kunstmesse Berliner Liste 2012, in: Märkische Allgemeine 14/09/2012.
  7. Gerhard Charles Rump in WorldCat.

External links