Gerd Arntz
Gerd Arntz (11 December 1900 in Remscheid – 4 December 1988 in The Hague) was a German Modernist artist renowned for his black and white woodcuts. A core member of the Cologne Progressives he was also a council communist.[1] The Cologne Progressives participated in the revolutionary unions AAUD (KAPD) and its offshoot the AAUE in the 1920s.[2] In 1928 Arntz contributed prints to the AAUE paper Die Proletarische Revolution, calling for workers to abandon parliament and form and participate in worker's councils.[1] These woodcut prints feature recurring themes of class.[1]
Born into a family of merchants, Arntz was educated at a private academy in Düsseldorf and later attended the school of applied arts in Barmen (1921). He acquired the Düsseldorf studio of Otto Dix in 1925, when Dix moved to Berlin. Arntz travelled widely through Europe, and lived in Vienna, Cologne, and Moscow among other cities. Arntz was a core member of the Cologne Progressives art group.[3] From 1926 Otto Neurath sought his collaboration in designing pictograms for the Vienna Method of Pictorial Statistics (Wiener Methode der Bildstatistik; later renamed Isotype). From the beginning of 1929 Arntz worked at the Gesellschafts- und Wirtschaftsmuseum (Social and economic museum) directed by Neurath in Vienna. Eventually, Arntz designed around 4000 pictograms. Between 1931 and 1934 he travelled periodically to the Soviet Union (along with Neurath and Marie Reidemeister) in order to help set up the 'All-union institute of pictorial statistics of Soviet construction and economy' (Всесоюзный институт изобразительной статистики советского строительства и хозяйства), commonly abbreviated to IZOSTAT (ИЗОСТАТ). After the brief civil war in Austria in 1934 he emigrated to the Netherlands, joining Neurath and Reidemeister in The Hague, where they continued their collaboration at the International Foundation for Visual Education. Arntz cultivated a wide acquaintance among the artists and political activists of his generation. In 1943, while living in The Hague, he was conscripted into German military service and later was a prisoner of war.[4]
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 Annink, ed. by Ed; Bruinsmaal, Max (2010). Gerd Arntz : graphic designer. Rotterdam: 010. p. 27. ISBN 978-90-6450-763-2.
- ↑
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- ↑ Timothy O. Benson et al., Expressionist Utopias, Berkeley, University of California Press, 2001; pp. 188-9.
- 'Gerd Arntz, graphic designer' 010 Publishers, Rotterdam 2010. 288 pages. Awarded with "Bronze Medal, Best Book Design from all over the World" Leipzig 2011. Awarded with 'The best Dutch book designs 2010'. Edited by Ed Annink (Ontwerpwerk) and Max Bruinsma.
- Gesellschaft und Wirtschaft. Bildstatistisches Elementarwerk,, Leipzig: Bibliographisches Institut, 1932.
- Bohnen,Ulli and Kees Vollemans, Politieke prenten tussen twee oorlogen, Nijmegen: Socialistische Uitgeverij Nijmegen, 1973
- Gerd Arntz, 60 Holzschnitte aus den Jahren 1924 - 1938, Bremen: Galerie Rolf Ohse, 1975
- Bool, Flip and Broos, Kees (eds),Gerd Arntz, Kritische grafiek en beeldstatistiek, Kritische Grafik und Bildstatistik, Nijmegen: SUN and Den Haag: Haags Gemeentemuseum, Sunschrift 113, 1976
- Broos, Kees, Symbolen voor onderwijs en statistiek, 1928 - 1965, Wenen, Moskou, Den Haag, Den Haag: Spruijt, 1979 (?)
- Stadler, Friedrich (ed.), Arbeiterbildung in der Zwischenkriegszeit, Otto Neurath und sein Gesellschafts- und Wirtschaftsmuseum in Wien 1925-1935, Politische Grafik von Gerd Arntz und den Konstruktiven, Wien, München: Löcker, 1982. see also:
- Stadler, Friedrich and Elisabeth Nemeth, eds., Encyclopedia and Utopia, Dordrecht: Kluwer, 1996. and
- Stadler, Friedrich, Studien zum Wiener Kreis. Frankfurt a. M., 1997
- Gerd Arntz, Monographie-Reihe Remscheider Künstler, Nr. 2, Remscheid: Stadt Remscheid, 1982
- Broos, Kees (ed.), Gerd Arntz. De tijd under her mes. Hout- en linoleumsneden 1920-1970, Nijmegen: SUN, 1988, in German:
- Gerd Arntz, Zeit unterm Messer. Holz- und Linolschnitte 1920-1970,Köln: Leske, 1988
- (Roth, Lynette), Painting as a Weapon: Progressive Cologne 1920-33/ Seiwert - Hoerle - Arntz, Köln: Walter König, 2008. Catalogue for an exhibition at the Museum Cologne, curated by Lynette Roth.
- (Friedrich, Julia, ed.), Gerd Arntz, Holzschnitte, Graphische Sammlung, Museum Ludwig, No. 4, Köln: Museum Ludwig, 2008, 20 p. With a short essay by Lynette Roth, Gerd Arntz, Ausdruck in Holz.
- Galerie Glöckner, Köln. "Gerd Arntz, Frühe Grafik. Ausstellung zum 100.Geburtstag von Gerd Arntz (November 2000 - Januar 2001) . Katalog 132 S., über 90 Abb. mit Text zu allen ausgestellten Werken
External links
- The Gerd Arntz Web Archive with more than 500 Isotypes
- Gerd Arntz tag at the Libertarian Communist Library
- Gerd Arntz International Institute of Social History in Amsterdam
- Isotype revisited
- Paul J. Lewi's essay on the Neurath method
- Gerd Arntz bio and graphics, a german gallery site