Georgian Supplement
Georgian Supplement | |
Range |
U+2D00..U+2D2F (48 code points) |
Plane | BMP |
Scripts | Georgian |
Major alphabets | Nuskhuri |
Assigned | 40 code points |
Unused | 8 reserved code points |
Unicode version history | |
4.1 | 38 (+38) |
6.1 | 40 (+2) |
Note: [1] |
Georgian Supplement is a Unicode block containing characters for the ecclesiastical form of the Georgian script, Nuskhuri. To write the full ecclesiastical Khutsuri orthography, the Asomtavruli capitals encoded in the Georgian block.
Georgian Supplement[1][2] Official Unicode Consortium code chart (PDF) | ||||||||||||||||
0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | A | B | C | D | E | F | |
U+2D0x | ⴀ | ⴁ | ⴂ | ⴃ | ⴄ | ⴅ | ⴆ | ⴇ | ⴈ | ⴉ | ⴊ | ⴋ | ⴌ | ⴍ | ⴎ | ⴏ |
U+2D1x | ⴐ | ⴑ | ⴒ | ⴓ | ⴔ | ⴕ | ⴖ | ⴗ | ⴘ | ⴙ | ⴚ | ⴛ | ⴜ | ⴝ | ⴞ | ⴟ |
U+2D2x | ⴠ | ⴡ | ⴢ | ⴣ | ⴤ | ⴥ | ⴧ | ⴭ | ||||||||
Notes |
- ↑ "Unicode character database". The Unicode Standard. Retrieved 22 March 2013.