Georgetown Law Journal

The Georgetown Law Journal  
Abbreviated title (ISO 4)
Geo. L.J.
Discipline Law review
Language English
Publication details
Publication history
1912 to present
Frequency Six issues a year
ISSN 0016-8092

The Georgetown Law Journal is a student-edited scholarly journal published at Georgetown University Law Center. It is the flagship law review of Georgetown Law.


The Journal publishes six issues each year. It also publishes the Annual Review of Criminal Procedure, a comprehensive practitioner's guide to criminal procedure.

The first volume of the Journal was published in 1912-13. Volume 102, consisting of 108 editors and members, is in publication. The Journal is the only top law journal to consistently publish on time. It is the 5th ranked law review.[1]


The Journal is composed of about a hundred second- and third-year law students. The third-year students serve in editorial positions and the second-year students work as staff.

Students are offered positions on the Journal based on their first-year grades and/or performance in a writing and citation competition. First-year students participate in the competition after completing their final exams in the spring semester. The competition is administered by the Georgetown Law Office of Journal Administration.[2]

External links
