Georges De Moor

Georges De Moor

Professor Georges J. E. De Moor (born 25 August 1953, Ostend, Belgium) is a Belgian MD and head of the Department of Health Informatics and Medical Statistics of the University of Ghent (Ghent).


His primary and secondary education was at Saint Barbara College in Ghent (1960–1972). In 1979 he graduated in medicine and afterwards specialized in Clinical Pathology (1979–1983) and Nuclear Medicine (1982) before obtaining a PhD, Summa Cum Laude, in Medical Information Science at the University of Ghent in 1994.


He is head of the Department of Medical Informatics and Statistics at the State University of Ghent, Belgium, where he teaches Health Informatics, Medical Statistics, Decision Theory and Evidence Based Medicine since 1995.

As founding president of RAMIT (Research in Medical Informatics and Telematics), he has been involved in both European and International Research and Development projects (+100), as well as in Standardisation activities: for seven years, Prof. De Moor acted as the Founding Chairman of CEN/TC251, the official Technical Committee on standardisation in health informatics in Europe.

As a result of the conducted research, Prof. De Moor has been founding or co-founding a number of spin-off companies mainly active in eHealth, including the domain of privacy protection (e.g. MediBridge, Custodix).

He was elected President of the European Institute for Health Records (EuroRec) (2004-2010), promoting and certifying high quality Electronic Health Record systems in Europe.

Prof. De Moor is also Head of the Clinical Pathology Laboratory in the Saint Elisabeth Hospital in Zottegem, Belgium.

Prof. De Moor chairs in Belgium and in Europe a number of official Committees related to ICT in Health or to Laboratory Medicine. He has edited twelve books related to ICT in Health and published over 200 articles in scientific journals.

He is EU expert in the Horizon 2020 programme (Challenge: Health, demographic change and wellbeing, 2014-2020)



Articles in International Journals with Peer Review (non exhaustive list):

  1. Van Der Auwera P, De Moor GJE, In Vitro Activity of Enoxacin, a Quinoline Carboxylic Acid, compared with that of Norfloxacin, Betalactams and Aminoglycosides, European Journal of Clinical Microbiology; 1985; 4,1:55-58.
  2. Roger FH, Behets M, De Moor GJE et al., A Survey of Medical Informatics in Belgium, Medical Informatics; 1987; 12, 4:249-262.
  3. De Moor GJE, Noens L, De Bie S, De Bock G., A New Case of Human Chimerism detected after Pregnancy: A Woman with 46,XY Karyotype in her Lymphocytes, Acta Clinica Belgica; 1988; 43, 3:231-5.
  4. Van Maele G, De Moor GJE, De Meyer F, So you are to buy a Computer for your Department, what Not to do?, Acta Anesthesiologica Belgica; 1988; suppl. 239; 3:219-221.
  5. De Moor GJE, Telestroika in Health Care Informatics: a Challenge for Standardisation in Europe, Medical Informatics; 1992; 17; 2:133-140.
  6. Ceusters W, De Moor GJE, Training of Health Care Personnel Towards the Implementation and Use of Electronic Health Care Records based on Integrated Imaging Technology, Medical Informatics; 1992;17;4:215-225.
  7. De Moor GJE, Standardisation in Medical Informatics (Review Paper), IMIA Yearbook of Medical Informatics; 1993:61-69.
  8. Beukens F, Ceusters W, De Moor GJE, The Explanatory Role of Events in Causal and Temporal Reasoning in Medicine, Methods Inf Med.1993; 32; 4:274-279.
  9. De Moor GJE, Standardisation in Health Care Informatics and Telematics activities, Stud Health Technol Inform; 1993;6:1-13.
  10. Baert E, Beguin C, De Moor GJE, France Fh, Development of Standards and Data Quality Control, Case-Based Telematic Systems, towards Equity in Health Care, IOS Press, Technology and Informatics; 1994; 14:154-159.
  11. De Moor GJE, Standardisation in Medical Informatics in Europe, International Journal of Biomedical Computing; 1994; 35,1:1-12.
  12. De Moor GJE, Veiligheid en gegevensbescherming in informatiesystemen in de gezondheidszorg, Acta Hospitalia; 1994; 1:37-43
  13. De Moor GJE, Segers DF, Schilders L., Towards a Meta-syntax for Medical EDI, International Journal of Biomedical Computing; 1994; 34:319-330.
  14. De Moor GJE, Decision Analysis in de Geneeskunde : inleidende begrippen, Acta Hospitalia; 1994.
  15. De Moor GJE, Nicholson L., The Security of the Electronic Patient Record, International Journal of Biomedical Computing; 1994; suppl 1; 35:231-256
  16. De Moor GJE, Segers D, Hacquin R., The Standard Message Development Approach for EDI: Recommendations, Computers in Biology and Medicine; 1994.
  17. O’Moore RR, De Moor GJE et al., OpenLabs: the Application of Advanced Informatics and Telematics for Optimization of Clinical Laboratory Services, Computer Meth. Progr. in Biomedicine; 1994;45:137-140.
  18. Thayer C, De Moor GJE, Noothoven Van Goor J., The ACOSTA Accompanying Measure, Computer Meth. Biomedicine, 1994;45:3-4.
  19. De Moor GJE, European Standards Development in Healthcare Informatics: Actual and Future Challenges (Information Systems With Fading Boundaries), Int J Biomed Comput. 1995; April, 39;1:81-85.
  20. De Moor GJE, Fiers T, Scott P, Wieme R, The Research in Semantics behind the OpenLabs Coding System, Computer Meth. Progr. in Biomedicine; 1996; Vol 50/2: 169-185
  21. Spyns P, De Moor GJE, A Dutch Medical Language Processor, International Journal of Biomedical Computing;1996;41;3:181-206.
  22. De Moor GJE, Segers D., Development Method for Standard EDI-messages, MD Computing; 1995.
  23. Van Maele G, De Moor GJE, Trends in computer assisted instruction (CAI) in medicine. The Ghent Experience, Clinica Chimica Acta, International Journal of Clinical Chemistry, 1995.
  24. Forrey AW, McDonald CJ, De Moor GJE, Fiers T., Logical Observation Identifier Names and Codes (LOINC) Database : a public use set of codes and names for electronic reporting of clinical laboratory test results, Clinical Chemistry, 1996;42:1;81-90.
  25. Albert A, De Moor GJE, Libeer Jc., External Quality Assessment (EQA) of Belgian Clinical Laboratories, The Telematics Paradigm, Clinica Chimica Acta, 1998; 270:43-54.
  26. Ceusters W, Buekens F, De Moor G, Bernauer J, De Keyser L, Surjan G., TSMI: a CEN/TC 251 Standard for Time Specific Problems in Healthcare Informatics and Telematics, International Journal of Medical Informatics; 1997; 46:87-101.
  27. De Moor GJE, The Future and the Impact of Telematics for Health Care, International Journal of Technology Management, Special Edition on Health Care Telematics; 1997; 21:87-94.
  28. Ceusters W, Spyns P, De Moor G, From Natural Language to Formal Language: when MultiTALE meets GALEN, Stud Health Technol Inform; 1997;43;396-400
  29. Fiers T, De Moor G, Daneels F., Evolution of the Internet in the University Hospital of Gent, Stud Health Technol Inform; 1997;45:110-4
  30. Huff SM, Rocha R, Mcdonald C, De Moor G, Development of the LOINC (Logical Identifier Names and Codes) Vocabulary, J Am Med Inform Assoc; 1998 May–June;5(3):276-92
  31. De Moor GJE, Towards Global Consensus and Co-operation in Health Informatics and Telematics Standardisation, International Journal of Medical Informatics; 1998; 48:1-3.
  32. De Meyer F, Lundgren PA, De Moor G, Fiers T, Determination of user requirements for the secure communication of electronic medical record information, International Journal of Medical Informatics; 1998; 49; no 1:125-132.
  33. Spyns P, De Moor G, A Dutch Medical Language Processor:Part II:Evaluation, International Journal of Medical Informatics 1998; 49, no 3: 273-295.
  34. De Moor GJE, The Promise of Medical Informatics in Europe, IMIA Yearbook 1999:58-60, SCHATTAUER ISBN 3-7945-1951-5
  35. Ceusters W, Spyns P, De Moor G, From syntactic-semantic tagging to knowledge discovery in medical texts, International Journal of Medical Informatics; 1998; 52; no 1-3:149-157.
  36. Ceusters W, Buekens F, De Moor G, Waagmeester A., The Distinction between Linguistic and Conceptual Semantics in Medical Terminology and its implications for NLP-based Knowledge Acquisition, Proceedings MIE ’97, Jacksonville, Florida, 19/10/1997; 1-13. Meth Inform Med; 1998;37:327-333.
  37. De Moor GJE, The future and the Impact of Telematics for Health Care, International Journal of Healthcare Technology and Management; 1999; Vol 1; nos 3/4:255-269.
  38. De Cruyenaere J, De Turck F, Vanhastel S, Vandermeulen F. Demeester P, De Moor GJE, On the Design of a Generic and Scalable Multilayer Software Architecture for Data Flow Management in the Intensive Care Unit Methods Inf Med. 2003; 42(1):79-88.
  39. Mcdonald Cj, Huff Sm, Suico Jg, Hill G, Leavelle D, Aller R, Forrey A, Mercier K, De Moor GJE, Hook J, Williams W, Case J, Maloney P., LOINC® a Universal Standard for Identifying Laboratory Observations - a 5 Year Update, Clinical Chemistry 2003; 49:4;624-633.
  40. De Moor GJE, Claerhout B, De Meyer F., Privacy Enhancing Techniques: the Key to Secure Communication and Management of Clinical and Genomic Data, Methods Inf Med. 2003;42(2):148-153.
  41. De Moor GJE, Towards Individualized Health Management: the Importance of Bio-Medical Information Sciences, Methods Inf Med. 2003; 42 (2):IV-VI
  42. De Moor GJE, Healy Jc., In Memoriam of Prof Dr Jean-Raoul Scherrer – Obituary, Method Inf Med 2003;42(1):79-88
  43. Claerhout B, De Moor GJE, De Meyer F., Secure communication and management of clinical and genomic data; the use of pseudonymisation as privacy enhancing technique, Stud Health Technol Inform. 2003;95;170-175.
  44. De Moor GJE, Claerhout B., Privacy Enhancing Techniques in e-Health: an Overview, Stud Health Technol Inform. 2004; vol 106; 75-81.
  45. Sanchez Mf, Iakovidis I, Norager S, Maojo V, De Groen P, Van Der Lei J, Jones T, Abraham-Fuchs K, Apweiler R, Babic A, Baud R, Breton V, Cinquin P, Doupi P, Dugas M, Eils R, Engelbrecht R, Ghazal P, Jehenson P, Kulikowski C, Lampe K, De Moor GJE, Oprhanoudakis S, Rossing N, Sarachan B, Sousa A, Spekowius G, Thireos G, Zahlmann G, Zvarova J, Hermosilla I, Vincente Fj., Synergy between Medical Informatics and Bio Informatics: facilitating Genomic Medicine for future healthcare, Journal of Biomedical Informatics. 2004;37(1):30-42.
  46. De Moor GJE, Claerhout B, Van Maele G, Dupont D., e-Health Standardization in Europe: Lessons Learned, Stud Health Technol Inform. IOS Press, 2004;100;233-237.
  47. Simonet A, Simonet M, Bassolet Cg, De Moor GJE et al., GENNERE: A Generic Epidemiological network for nephrology and rheumatology, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2004;3288:862-864
  48. De Turck F, De Cruyenaere J, Thysebaert P, Van Hoecke S, Volckaert B, Danneels C, Colpaert K, De Moor G, Design of a flexible platform for execution of medical decision support agents in the Intensive Care Unit, Journal of Computers in Biology and Medicine, 2007.
  49. Claerhout B, De Moor GJE, Privacy Protection for Clinical and Genomic Data: the Use of Privacy Enhancing Techniques in Medicine, Int. Journal of Medical Informatics, 2005,74(2-4):257-265
  50. De Moor GJE, Claerhout B., Privacy Protection for HealthGrid Applications, Method Inf Med; 2005;44(2):140-3
  51. De Moor GJE, Norager S, Breton V., Editorial: The Role of the Grid in a Future Global Health Information Space, Method Inf Med, 2/2005;44:137-139
  52. De Moor G, Claerhout B., From Grid to Healthgrid. The Healthgrid White Paper, Proceedings of Healthgrid 2005, Stud Health Technol Inform. 112; 306-311
  53. De Moor GJE, Trends in Health Telematics: Electronic Health Records in an Intelligent and Communicating Environment (IS4ALL), Universal Access Code of Practice in Health Telematics, (a Design Code of Practice).Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3041; 2005:9-16
  54. De Moor GJE, MediBRIDGE/C-CARE: Remote Access to EPRs, Chapter 10 Universal Access Code in Health Telematics, (a Design Code of Practice), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3041;2005:88-96
  55. Ackaert A. Et Al (De Moor G), Innovative Communication Platforms for Interactive eHomeCare. IEEE Proceedings, 2005
  56. Buysse H, Van Maele G, De Moor GJE, Co-operation, interaction and information-sharing: from a paper-based Diabetes Pass to an electronic alternative, Stud Health Technol Inform. 2006;124:229-34
  57. Buysse H, De Moor G, Van Maele G, Baert E, Thienpont G, Temmerman M., Cost-effectiveness of Telemonitoring for High-Risk Pregnant Women, Int J Med Inform. 2008 Jul;77(7):470-6.
  58. Coorevits P, Daneels L, Cambier D, Ramon H, Druyts H, Karlsson S, De Moor G, Vanderstraeten G., Test-retest reliability of wavelet - and Fourier based EMG (instantaneous) median frequencies in the evaluation of back and hip muscle fatigue during isometric back extensions, J Electromyogr Kinesiol, 2008 Oct;18 (5):798-806.
  59. De Moor G, Van Bemmel J., Editorial: Medical Informatics in Evolution, Stud Health Technol Inform. 2008. 141:5-8
  60. Coorevits P, Daneels L, Cambier D, Ramon H, Druyts H, Karlsson S, De Moor G, Vanderstraeten G., Correlations between short-time Fourier and continuous wavelet transforms in the analysis of localized back and hip muscle fatigue during isometric contractions, J Electromyogr Kinesiol. 2008. 18(4):637-644.
  61. Ceusters W, Capolupo M, De Moor G, Introducing Realist Ontology for the Representation of Adverse Events, Bio-Ontologies 2008: Knowledge in Biology.
  62. Buysse H, Coorevits P, Thienpont G, De Moor G, Trans-eCare: Creating a Transparent Data Exchange Platform, IOS Press, 2008; 141:38-44, Stud Health Technol Inform. 2008;141:38-44
  63. Claerhout B, Forgo N, Krugel T, Arning M, De Moor G, A Data Protection Framework for Transeuropean genetic research projects, Stud Health Technol Inform. 2008; 141:67-72.
  64. De Moor G, Kalra D, Devlies J., Certification of Electronic Health Record Systems and the Importance of the Validation of Clinical Archetypes, Stud Health Technol Inform. 2008; 141:82-91.
  65. De Meyer F, De Moor G, Reed-Fourquet L., Privacy Protection through Pseudonymisation in eHealth, Stud Health Technol Inform. 2008; 141:111-118
  66. Devlies J, De Clercq E, Van Casteren V, Thienpont G, Lafontaine Mf, De Moor G, The Use of a Compliant EHR when providing Clinical Pathway driven Care to a subset of Diabetic Patients: Recommendation from a Working Group, Stud Health Technol Inform. 2008;141:149-61.
  67. Devlies J, De Moor G, De Clercq E, Vandenberghe A., Health Data Exchange, Health Data Sharing and Decentralised Clinical Data Collection. Recommendations from a Belgian expert group, IOS Press, 2008; 141:162-212.
  68. De Moor G, Van Bemmel J., Collaborative Patient Centred eHealth: Medical Informatics in Evolution, Editorial in the Proceedings of the HIT&Healthcare 2008 Conference, IOS Press 2008.
  69. Veplancke T, De Moor G, Decruyenaere J., Novel time series analysis approach for prediction of dialysis in critically ill patients using echo state networks, 29th International Symposium on Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine, Critical Care 2009, 13, suppl 1, p 256
  70. Ceusters W, Capolupo M, Smith B, De Moor G, An evolutionary approach to the representation of adverse events, Stud Health Technol Inform. 2009;150:537-41.
  71. Ceusters W, Capolupo M, De Moor G, Devlies J, Smith B., An Evolutionary Approach to Realism-Based Adverse Event Representation, Methods Inf Med. 2011;50(10:62-73.
  72. Kalra D, Tapuria A, Austin T, De Moor G, The contribution of Clinical Archetypes, and the challenges, towards achieving semantic interoperability for EHRs, Methods Inf. Med.
  73. Buysse H, Coorevits P, Van Maele G, Hutse A, Kaufman J, Ruige J, De Moor G, Introducing Telemonitoring for Diabetic Patients: Development of a Telemonitoring ‘Health Effect and Readiness’- Questionnaire, Int J Med Inf,. 2010 Aug;79(8):576-84.
  74. Esterle L, Kouroubali A, Bruun-Rasmussen M, Devlies J, De Moor G, Nolan C, Stefotic V, Wallhouse R., Governance and management of large-scale EHR implementation, JCIH (in press)
  75. Buysse H, De Moor G, Coorevits P, Van Maele G., SI CISM – Main characteristics of type 1 and type 2 diabetic patients interested in the use of a telemonitoring platform, Journal of Nursing and Healthcare of Chronic Illness (in press)
  76. Demeyer M, Hachimi-Idrissi S, Michel L, Nyssen M, De Moor G, Vandenplas Y., Electronic Medical File Exchange between On-Duty Care Providers and the Attending Paediatrician: a Belgian Paediatric Pilot Project, Acta Chir Belg. 2011, 111
  77. De Moor G, Foreword Transatlantic Cooperation on Health related Information and Communication Technologies, Stud Health Technol Inform. 2011;170:VII-X, ISBN 978-60750-809-0
  78. Kalra D, Musen M, Smith B, Ceusters W, De Moor G, ARGOS Policy Brief on Semantic Interoperability, Transatlantic Cooperation on Health related Information and communication Technologies, Stud Health Technol Inform. 2011;170:1-16, ISBN 978-60750-809-0
  79. De Moor G, O’brien J, Fridsma D, Bean C, Devlies J, Cusack Cm, Bloomrosen M, Lorenzi N, Coorevits P., Policy Brief on the Current Status of Certification of Electronic Health Records in the US and Europe, Transatlantic Cooperation on Health related Information and Communication Technologies, Stud Health Technol Inform. 2011;170:83-106, ISBN 978-60750-809-0
  80. Lorenzi N, De Moor G, Bloomrosen M., A Proposed Vision: The Transatlantic Observatory for Meeting Global Health Policy Challenges through Information and Communication Technology-Enabled Solutions (ARGOS), Transatlantic Cooperation on Health related Information and Communication Technologies, Stud Health Technol Inform. 2011;170:107-112, ISBN 978-60750-809-0
  81. Buysse H, De Moor G, De Maeseneer J., Introducing a telemonitoring platform for diabetic patients in a primary care setting: is it worth the effort?, Primary Care Diabetes Europe
  82. Kalra D, Tapuria A, Austin T, De Moor G, Quality Requirements for EHR Archetypes, IOS, Proceedings MIE 2012
  83. Schmidt A, Kalra D, Dupont D, Claerhout B, Dugas M, Sundgren M, De Moor G, Electronic Health Records for Clinical Research – The EHR4CR Project, iHealth Connections. 2011
  84. Geissbuhler A, Safran C, Buchan I, Bellazzi R, Labkoff S, Eilenberg K, Leese A, Richardson C, Mantas J, Murray P, De Moor G, Trustworthy Reuse of Health Data: A Transnational Perspective, Int J Med Inf. 2013; 82:1-9
  85. Coorevits P, Sundgren M, Klein GO, Bahr A, Claerhout B, Daniel C, Dugas M, Dupont D, Schmidt A, Singleton P, De Moor G, & Kalra D, Electronic health records: new opportunities for clinical research, Journal of Internal Medicine, vol. 274, no. 6, pp. 547-560.
  86. Kalra D, Schmidt A, Potts Hww, Dupont D, Sundgren M, De Moor G, on behalf of the EHR4CR Research Consortium, Case Report from the EHR4CR Project-A European Survey on Electronic Health Records Systems for Clinical Research, iHealth Connections, 2011;12 vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 108–13.
  87. De Moor G, Sundgren M, Kalra D, Schmidt A, Dugas M, Claerhout B, Karakoyun T, Ohmann C, Lastic PY, Ammour N, Kush R, Dupont D, Cuggia M, Daniel C, Coorevits P, Using Electronic Health Records for Clinical Research: the Case of the EHR4CR Project, Journal of Biomedical Informatics (in press).
  88. De Moor G, Kalra D, Sundgren M, Schmidt A, Claerhout B, Thienpont G, Coorevits P, Opportunities for Clinical research in European Hospitals: the EHR4CR Platform, Health Management Journal, vol.16,issue 3 (10 September 2014).
  89. De Moor G, Transatlantic Cooperation on Health related Information and Communication Technologies, Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, vol. 170 ISSN 0926-9630.
