George Tscherny

George Tscherny is a notable 20th-century graphic designer and educator. Tscherny has received the highest honors among graphic designers. He was awarded the AIGA Medal in 1988, celebrated in the annual Masters Series in 1992 at the School of Visual Arts, and inducted into the Art Directors Club Hall of Fame in 1997.


Tscherny was born in Budapest on July 12, 1924, and raised in Berlin. He came to the United States in 1941 and later attended Pratt Institute. His early career included work for George Nelson. In 1955, Tscherny opened his own practice. His corporate clients included Ernst & Whinney, Monadnock Paper Mills, The Ford Foundation, Pan Am, General Dynamics and Johnson & Johnson.[1]

According to an Art Directors Club biography, "Tscherny also forged a strong relationship with the School of Visual Arts over the years. He designed SVA’s very first poster in 1956 and taught its first design course."[2] He also designed the school's logo.

See also


  1. "George Tscherny". AIGA. Retrieved 2012-07-23.
  2. "Art Directors Club / Hall of Fame". 1924-07-12. Retrieved 2012-07-23.