George Carroll (judge)

Judge George D. Carroll

George Carroll (born January 6, 1923[1]) is an American lawyer who was an important civic figure in Contra Costa County, California and the city of Richmond.[2] Carroll is noted for breaking many racial barriers and achieving unprecedented positions in his time.[2]


He was born in 1923 in Brooklyn, New York.[2] Later he served in the United States Military during World War II and subsequently attended college and law school by use of the G.I. Bill.[2] He relocated to Contra Costa County in 1954.[2] He was the first black lawyer in Richmond.[2] In 1961 Carroll became the first African American elected to the city council (1961-1964[3]) and later became the first black mayor of Richmond (1964-1965[3]) or any large American city.[2] Afterwards George Carroll became the first black judge in Contra Costa when he was appointed to the Bay Municipal Court by Governor Edmund G. ("Pat") Brown in 1965.[2][3] The Richmond Courthouse and a park in the Pt. Richmond District are named in his honor.[2][4]


  1. "Richmond Courthouse renamed for Judge Carroll".''. George Miller Website. Retrieved 23 July 2014.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 Richmond courthouse named for retired judge George Carroll, Bay City News Service, 24-02-2009, access date 25-02-2009
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 Richmond's Black History Corner, city of Richmond website, access date 25-02-2009
  4. Parks and park facilities, city of Richmond website, access date 25-02-2009

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