George Alexander Baird

"Mr Abington", Gentleman Rider: George Alexander Baird in Vanity Fair, 1888.

George Alexander Baird (30 September 1861 – 18 March 1893) was a wealthy British race horse owner, breeder and the most successful amateur jockey (gentleman rider) of his day, who rode under the assumed name of Mr. Abington. He was a controversial figure, at times in conflict with the establishment, "warned off" for his aggressive riding behaviour, and implicated in a prize fight fixing scandal.[1] He had a relationship with Lillie Langtry, actress and former mistress of the Prince of Wales (King Edward VII).[2] He died in a hotel room in New Orleans aged thirty three.

Family fortune

The Baird family wealth came from the industry of grandfather Alexander Baird (1765–1833) and seven of his sons[3] who worked numerous coal and mineral leases in Scotland from 1816. They built ironworks that within 15 years grew to be the largest in the country, and in 1830, William Baird and Company was formed.[4] The industrial revolution and the expansion of the railways brought the family the wealth that they used to buy land and property in Scotland. Baird's inheritance was to include that of his father plus two of his wealthy uncles who had died childless.[5]


Baird was nine years old when his father died in 1870. His inheritance was held in trust until he became of age, but the funds released by the trustees during his minority were insufficient for his education, so his mother (successfully) petitioned the courts for the release of additional money.[6][7]

He attended the private school St Michael's, Aldin House, Slough[8] before going to Eton, where he lasted but one year (1875). He later attended Magdalene College, Cambridge from 1879 to 1881, although he failed to graduate.[9][10]

Early influence

His mother was unable or unwilling to discipline Baird after his father's death, and was said to have indulged him. She was Cecilia, eldest daughter of Vice Admiral Villiers Francis Hatton[11] who had married Baird's father in 1858 when she was 35 and he was 48; George Alexander Baird – their only child – was born to them three years later. He was to grow up with older parents and without siblings for company, so his fondness for horses and riding out, plus "amusement in the groom's room", provided the escape and distraction for a young boy.[7]

In his book Turf Memories of Sixty Years, Alexander Scott writes that he met the teenage Baird and subsequently followed the career of "this great horseman". He goes on to say. "Love of horses was his bond of friendship, and he would extend that to everyone irrespective of social standing. He would have discussed horses with a dustman".[12]

Baird's interest in the "Turf" may also have been encouraged by the example of his cousins Douglas Baird, who was a successful owner, and Edward (Ned) Baird, who would become a gentleman rider and owner.[13]

Riding career of "Mr Abington"

Because his trustees disapproved of his association with horse racing, young Baird used an alias when riding, and chose "Mr Abington". He continued to use this name for the rest of his life for both riding and entering horses.

Baird's desire to ride winners was obsessive, and during his early days on the track, he became known for aggressive riding; he was warned by stewards and eventually, following an incident with another gentleman rider (Lord Harrington) at Four Oaks, Birmingham in 1882, he was banned for two years. This was referred to as being "Warned Off" and he could not ride, or run horses during the period of the ban under National Hunt or Jockey Club rules. He transferred his horses to an acquaintance − Ross (Stiffy) Smith − and allowed them to race under Smith's colours whilst he continued to ride in France.[14]

After the ban was lifted, Baird returned to racing in Britain. He had changed his colours to bottle-green jacket and red cap, and started to put together a string of quality horses with the advice of jockey and trainer Tom Cannon, Champion jockey Fred Archer was also engaged to help improve his race-riding technique. In his first season following the ban, Baird rode 13 winners under Jockey Club rules, 22 in 1885, 28 in 1886, 46 in 1887, 36 in 1888 and in his best year of 1889, 61. To put his achievements into context, in 1889, the next best amateur rider in the list rode only three winners whilst the professional Champion Jockey (Tommy Loates) rode 167. Baird would never again achieve such success; the following year he had 42 winners and in 1891 26.[15]

Baird was tall for a jockey and constantly struggled with his weight, living on a starvation diet when riding, exercising, and sweating off weight before races. In his great year of 1889, he could make 9 stone and 11 pounds. For all his dieting and attempts at weight loss, he could never get down to the levels of professional jockeys. For example, Tommy Loates could make 7 stone 1 pound and Fred Archer, who was the same height as Baird, was almost a stone less than him. In many "handicap" races Baird would be competitive where the weights carried by the horses were adjusted to provide an even contest.[16]

If there were a chance of riding a winner, he would travel any distance, once even hiring a train to get to a meeting. If he did not have a suitable horse of his own available, he would ride for other owners.[17]

"Mr Abington" the owner

By the time Baird returned from his two-year ban, he had inherited his family fortune and started to buy race horses; Tom Cannon – great-grandfather of Lester Piggott – acted as his adviser. They attended a dispersal sale for Lord Falmouth's stables, buying some quality horses, including a three-year-old filly called Busybody. Tom Cannon rode her to victories in the 1,000 Guineas Stakes at Newmarket and then the Oaks at Epsom in that same year. Busybody would go on to produce a foal called Meddler that was sold to America after Baird's death and became a very successful and influential stallion.[18]

Bedford Lodge (now a hotel)

Baird continued to buy horses (often selling platers), leased Bedford Lodge stables in Newmarket, Suffolk, from Captain James Machell and employed Martin Gurry as his trainer. He also used Tom and William Stevens in Berkshire, Bob Armstrong of Penrith, James Prince at Lewes and others, once remarking that he was not actually sure how many horses he had. His stud was at Kentford near Newmarket (now called Meddler Stud), later transferring this to Moulton Paddocks in 1892. He also leased Whittington Old Hall for a period, and took up residence when attending meets in the area.

Martin Gurry found Baird difficult to work for. During one of their disputes, Baird withdrew all of his horses and sent them to William Stevens, including a horse called Merry Hampton. Baird and Gurry made up their differences, and the horses were returned to Bedford Lodge in time for Merry Hampton to run in the Epsom Derby, which he duly won (1887). All expected Baird to lead Merry Hampton into the winners' enclosure after the race, as was normal for the winning owner of the Derby. However, he refused, and this was seen as a snub to the "establishment" with which he was often at odds. This mutual antipathy was in stark contrast to the relationship that Baird's cousin Douglas had with the establishment. He was elected as a member of the Jockey Club in 1887.[19][20]

Gurry was eventually replaced at Bedford Lodge by Charles Morton in 1888, although the dispute with Gurry over his contract would not be settled by Baird until 1890. Morton lasted four years, to be replaced by Joe Cannon, younger brother of Tom. Charles Mowbey was Baird's general manager and Jack Watts his retained jockey.[21] Martin Gurry used the money he received from Baird to build a stable in Newmarket from where he trained for 27 years. He named the establishment Abington Place.[22]

As well as winning the Derby in 1887, Baird was to top the owners list with 46 wins for his horses. However, it was said that Baird was more interested in riding winners himself, but this was not always possible due to restrictions on some meetings, where amateur riders could not compete, or his weight precluded him.[16]

Private life

In 1890, Baird was named as co-respondent in the divorce case brought by Francis Darbishire against his wife – actress Agnes Hewitt. Baird's defence was that he did not know she was married, but he was ordered to pay damages to the plaintiff.[23][24]

Baird also had an involvement with former actress Dolly Tester, the wife of his friend Lord Ailesbury, again being named in their divorce proceedings as a co-respondent.[25] The farcical events that led up to this include a "kidnap" and a public fight between the Lord, the "kidnapper", and Dolly.[26]

In 1884 Baird was charged with assaulting a policeman at Whittington. The charge was reduced to one of obstruction after the evidence was heard (Baird had threatened to kick the policeman) and Baird fined £5.[27]

Actress Lillie Langtry became involved with Baird.[28] They met at a race meeting at Newmarket in April 1891 when Baird offered her some advice on betting. He was so confident of the result, he is said to have even given her the stake money. A relationship developed, and Baird made many gifts to Langtry, including money, race horses, and a 200-ft luxury yacht (White Ladye). However, he was also very jealous and at times become violent toward her.[29] Lillie and her affairs gave the gossip columnists of the day much to write about.[30]

Baird was said to be thoughtful and generous, once sending his doctor to Paris to help an acquaintance who was very ill. However, many saw the worst in him when he could be boorish or bad-tempered, even throwing tantrums. When out drinking, Baird often made a nuisance of himself, but few would dare challenge him because his drinking companions included prize fighters.[31] However, he would financially compensate those he had affronted.[32]

A fellow gentleman rider – Arthur Yates – was quoted as saying of Baird, "I liked him very much, but unfortunately he did not choose his friends wisely, and the results were disastrous. None of his companions, however, came with him to Bishop Sutton, for he knew I would not tolerate any of them, and thus I always saw the best side of his nature, which was, at bottom, very gentle and pleasant."[33]

Baird's London house – 36 Curzon Street – came to him during an evening of dining and drinking with its then owner Sir George Chetwynd, another man of the turf. Baird expressed his admiration for the property at which point Chetwynd sold it to him with all fixtures and fitting. Baird woke next morning in the master bedroom with a hangover to be told he was now the new owner.[34]

Prize fighting

Baird became interested in prize fighting after seeing bouts at a hostelry in Newmarket. Prize fighting was illegal at the time, so they were conducted clandestinely. He set up his own boxing room at Bedford Lodge and invited prize fighters of the day such as Charlie Mitchell and Jem Smith.[35]

Attempts were being made at this time to regulate prize fighting, and a group of gentlemen came together to form the Pelican Club, where fights were held in strict adherence to the "Queensbury Rules". Baird became a member of the club, but was expelled after becoming involved in a fight scandal. Frank Slavin and Jem Smith fought a match in Bruges, capital of Belgium. When the fight appeared to be going against Baird's man (Smith), an invasion of the ring took place and the fight had to be stopped and declared a draw.[36] This coincided with some heavy betting that had been laid on this result, and the committee of the Pelican Club put the blame squarely on Baird's shoulders. He, in turn, took them to court in an effort to be reinstated, but failed – 7 March 1890, Mr Justice Stirling, Chancery Court found against him.[37]

Baird was spending less time on horse racing and more on prize fighting. In 1893, he visited America with Charlie Mitchell and Jem Hall plus their trainers to challenge "Gentleman" Jim Corbett to a bout. Whilst waiting for Corbett to respond, a fight was set up between Jem Hall and Bob Fitzsimmons in New Orleans. Hall was beaten and Baird, who had been in his corner, took to the town to drown his sorrows, caught a chill and woke next morning with a fever. Mitchell left the sick Baird in the St Charles Hotel,[38] returning to New York to follow up his challenge with Corbett. Baird would die on 18 March 1893.[39][40] He was saved from a pauper's grave by the intervention of the British Consul,[41] and his body was returned for burial in the churchyard at Stichill next to his father. In his will, the estate was left in trust to his mother, who died age 73 in 1895; she, too, was buried in Stichill.[42]

The pall bearers at his funeral included seven of his cousins, one of whom was John George Alexander Baird, the member of parliament for Central Glasgow. Charlie Mitchell attended the funeral but did not join the procession.[43]


  1. Onslow, Richard (1980). The Squire. London: Harrap. p. 13 & 123.
  2. Magnus, Philip (1964). King Edward the Seventh. John Murray. pp. 153–4.
  3. "William and James Baird". Memoirs and portraits of one hundred Glasgow men. Glasgow Digital Library. Retrieved 28 February 2013.
  4. "William Baird & Co". Grace's Guide. Retrieved 26 February 2013.
  5. Bulloch, John Malcolm (1934). The Last Baird of Auchmedden and Strichen. Aberdeen: Privately Printed. p. 2.
  6. Onslow, Richard (1980). The Squire. London: Harrap. p. 5.
  7. 7.0 7.1 Bulloch, John Malcolm (1934). The Last Baird of Auchmedden and Strichen. Aberdeen: Privately Printed. p. 3.
  8. "Slough History on Line" (PDF). Page 93 Para. 6. Slough Libraries, Arts and Information Service. Retrieved 28 February 2013.
  9. Onslow, Richard (1980). The Squire. London: Harrap. p. 5/6.
  10. Bulloch, John Malcolm (1934). The Last Baird of Auchmedden and Strichen. Aberdeen: Privately Printed. p. 4.
  11. Joseph Jackson Howard, Frederick Arthur Crisp (1897). Visitation of Ireland. Genealogical Publishing Com. p. 34. ISBN 9780806305431.
  12. Scott, Alexander (c. 1900). Turf Memories of Sixty Years. London: Hutchinson & Co. p. 142.
  13. Onslow, Richard (1980). The Squire. London: Harrap. p. 7.
  14. Bulloch, John Malcolm (1934). The Last Baird of Auchmedden and Strichen. Aberdeen: Privately Printed. p. 5.
  15. Onslow, Richard (1980). The Squire. London: Harrap. pp. 26 to 33, 67, 75, 77 to 87, 110, 131.
  16. 16.0 16.1 Onslow, Richard (1980). The Squire. London: Harrap. p. 23.
  17. Bulloch, John Malcolm (1934). The Last Baird of Auchmedden and Strichen. Aberdeen: Privately Printed. p. 6.
  18. "Thoroughbred Heritage – Meddler". The National Sporting Library. Retrieved 5 March 2013.
  19. Onslow, Richard (1980). The Squire. London: Harrap. p. 62.
  20. Black, Robert (1891). The Jockey Club and its Founders. London: Smith Elder & Co. p. 308.
  21. Onslow, Richard (1980). The Squire. London: Harrap. p. Chapter 17, p. 135.
  22. Onslow, Richard (1980). The Squire. London: Harrap. p. 161.
  23. "Latest Cablegrams". The Maitland Mercury & Hunter River General Advertiser. 1 March 1890.
  24. Bulloch, John Malcolm (1934). The Last Baird of Auchmedden and Strichen. Aberdeen: Privately Printed. p. 10.
  25. "The Notorious Ailesbury". The New York Times. 11 August 1891. Retrieved 6 March 2013.
  26. Allison, William (1922). Memories of Men and Horses. London: Grant Richards Ltd. p. 312.
  27. "Whittington – Assaulting the Polices". Lichfield Mercury. 3 October 1884.
  28. "Lillie Langtry and George Baird of Stichill". Thanks to Stichill Millennium Project. Bairdnet. Retrieved 22 March 2012.
  29. Dudley, Ernest (1958). The Gilded Lily. London: Oldhams Press. p. 128 to 134.
  30. "The Lily's Admirers" (PDF). 1893. Elmira Morning Telegraph. Retrieved 7 March 2013.
  31. Allison, William (1922). Memories of Men and Horses. London: Grant Richards Ltd. p. 312.
  32. Allison, William (c. 1920). My Kingdom for a Horse. New York: E P Dutton. p. 318.
  33. Onslow, Richard (1980). The Squire. London: Harrap. p. 73.
  34. Onslow, Richard (1980). The Squire. London: Harrap. p. 50.
  35. Onslow, Richard (1980). The Squire. London: Harrap. p. 38.
  36. Holt, Richard (1989). Sport and the British A Modern History. Oxford: Clarendon Press. p. 66.
  37. Bulloch, John Malcolm (1934). The Bairds of Auchmedden and Strichen, Aberdeenshire. Peterhead: The Buchan Club. p. 23.
  38. "St Charles Hotel, New Orleans". Souvenir of hotel. Alfred S Amer. Retrieved 22 March 2013.
  39. "Squire Abington Very Low". New York Times. 18 March 1893. Retrieved 5 March 2013.
  40. "Gazette Issue 26494 published on the 13 March 1894. Page 28 of 72". Notification by Bairds Executors. London Gazette. Retrieved 20 March 2013.
  41. "Baird, George Alexander (1861–1893)". Horse Racing History Online. Retrieved 22 March 2013.
  42. Bulloch, John Malcolm (1934). The Last Baird of Auchmedden and Strichen. Aberdeen: Privately Printed. p. 13.
  43. "Burial of Squire Abington". The New York Times. 2 April 1893. Retrieved 24 November 2014.