Georg Wolfgang Franz Panzer

Georg Wolfgang Franz Panzer (1755 June 28, 1829) was a German botanist and entomologist.

He was born at Etzelwang in the Palatinate and died at Hersbruck, near Nuremberg.

A physician, he practised at Hersbruck. A celebrated botanist, he had a very species-rich herbarium.

He also assembled a very important insect collection which was the basis of a vast work Faunae insectorum germanicae initia (Elements of the insect fauna of Germany), published at Nuremberg between 1796 and 1813. Illustrated by Jacob Sturm (17711848), with more than 2,600 hand-colored plates of individual, lifesize insects, this work was issued in 109 parts over the 17-year period of its serial publication, a common pattern for illustrated natural history works in the 18th and 19th centuries.



Stub Translated from French Wikipedia

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