Geometry Festival

The Geometry Festival is an annual mathematics conference held in the United States.

Previous Geometry Festival speakers

1985 at Penn

1986 at Maryland

1987 at Penn

1988 at North Carolina

1989 at Stony Brook

1990 at Maryland

1991 at Duke

1992 at Courant

1993 at Penn

1995 at Stony Brook

1996 at Maryland

1997 at Duke

1998 at Stony Brook

1999 at Penn

2000 at Maryland

2001 at Northeastern

2002 at Courant

2003 at Duke

2004 at Courant

2005 at Stony Brook

2006 at Penn

2007 at Maryland

2008 at Duke

2009 at Stony Brook

2010 at Courant

2011 at Penn

2012 at Duke

2013 at Maryland

2014 at Stony Brook

External links