Geology of Burkina Faso

The geology of Burkina Faso is dominated by Precambrian rocks of the Guinea Rise, a dome of Archaean rocks, largely migmatites, gneisses and amphibolites, over which lie greenstone belts of early Proterozoic age. The latter are metasediments and metavolcanics assigned largely to the Birrimian Supergroup, a suite of rocks in which economically significant mineralization occurs.

Economic geology

Gold is much the most important geological commodity for Burkina Faso’s economy and is produced from the Kalsaka, Mana and Youga mines amongst others. Other metals worked include manganese, copper, zinc and silver whilst exploration continues for copper and uranium. Limestone, marble, phosphates, pumice and salt are also worked commercially. Alluvial diamonds have been found too.[1]
