Genetics Society of America

Genetics Society of America
Founded 1931
  • 9650 Rockville Pike
    Bethesda, MD 20814
Key people
President: Jasper Rine
Vice-President: Stanley Fields
Past President: Vicki Chandler
Secretary: Anne Villeneuve
Treasurer: Sue Jinks-Robertson
Executive Director: Adam P. Fagen

The Genetics Society of America (GSA) is a scholarly membership society of more than 5,000 genetics researchers and educators, established in 1931. The Society was formed from the reorganization of the Joint Genetics Sections of the American Society of Zoologists and the Botanical Society of America.[1]

GSA members conduct fundamental and applied research using a wide variety of model organisms to enhance understanding of living systems. Some of the systems of study include Drosophila (fruit flies), Caenorhabditis elegans (nematode roundworms), yeasts, zebrafish, humans, mice, bacteria, Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress), maize (corn), Chlamydomonas (green algae), Xenopus (frogs), and other animals, plants, and fungi.


GSA's mission[2] is to deepen our understanding of the living world by advancing the field of genetics. It does this by:

Current programs

Current programs address these goals by promoting:

Investigation of inheritance and heredity

The GSA advocates funding of research in genetics, primarily through its membership in the Coalition for the Life Sciences (CLS), Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB), Research!America, and American Institute of Biological Sciences (AIBS). These organizations of leading scientists fosters public policies to advance basic biological research and its applications in medicine and other fields. The GSA also strives to inform state and national legislators about advances and issues in genetics.

Interaction among geneticists

The GSA organizes and sponsors several conferences for researchers (see below). These include the long-running model organism meetings: Yeast (biennial), C. elegans (biennial), Fungal (biennial) and Drosophila (annual meetings), and the new Society-wide Model Organisms to Human Biology meeting (biennial). The Meetings and Membership Committee welcomes opportunities to sponsor other meetings appropriate to its mission. The GSA Reporter, the Society’s newsletter (published three times a year), keeps members apprised of Society activities.

Communication of discoveries

The GSA publishes GENETICS, the leading journal for geneticists since the first issue in 1916, and G3: Genes|Genomes|Genetics, an open-access journal publishing high-quality fundamental research in genetics and genomics.

Education of students and the public

The GSA’s Education Committee seeks to facilitate the integration of advances in genetics in the K through college curriculum. The GSA communicates to the public advances in genetics and answers to issues by providing expert opinion to the press and others.


GSA publishes two peer-edited scientific journals:

The Society also publishes The GSA Reporter (formerly GENEtics), GSA's member newsletter.

In 2013, the Society announced an editorial partnership with the American Society for Cell Biology to collaborate on the publication of journal CBE–Life Sciences Education.[3]

GSA Conferences

GSA organizes a number of scientific meetings, including many focused on model organisms of use in genetic studies.

GSA Awards

The Genetics Society of America recognizes outstanding geneticists with following awards:


  1. An Abridged History of the Genetics Society of America
  2. GSA Mission Statement
  3. Stefano Bertuzzi and Adam P. Fagen. (2013) Societies coming together in support of life sciences education. CBE–Life Sciences Education 12: 318-319; doi:10.1187/cbe-13-05-0098

External links