Genetic anthropology

Genetic anthropology (anthropogenetics, Human genetics) is a genetics of humans, and branch of scientific study which deals with combining genetic (DNA) data with available physical evidence and past os human species history. This would enable scientists to glean through available genetic information that would go a long way in explaining how the modern day Homo sapiens evolved through the millennia.[1][2]


  1. Mayr E. (2000): The growth of living thought – Diversity, evolution, and heredity, 11th Printing. The Blacknap Press of Harvard University Press Cambridge. London (Mass).
  2. Goodenough J., Wallace R. A., McGuire B. (1998): Human biology – Personal, environmental, and social concerns. Saunders College Publishing – Harcourt Brace College Publishing, Orlando, ISBN 0-03-001281-3.

See also

External links