General purpose analog computer

The General Purpose Analog Computer (GPAC) is a mathematical model of analog computers first introduced in 1941 by Claude Shannon.[1] This model consists of circuits where several basic units are interconnected in order to compute some function. The GPAC can be implemented in practice through the use of mechanical devices or analog electronics. Although analog computers have fallen almost into oblivition due to emergence of the digital computer, the GPAC has recently been studied as a way to provide evidence for the physical Church–Turing thesis.[2] This is because the GPAC is also known to model a large class of dynamical systems defined with ordinary differential equations, which appear frequently in the context of physics.[3] In particular it was shown in 2007 that the GPAC is equivalent, in computability terms, to Turing machines, thereby proving the physical Church–Turing thesis for the class of systems modelled by the GPAC.[4]


  1. C. E. Shannon. Mathematical theory of the differential analyzer. Journal of Mathematics and Physics, 20:337–354, 1941
  2. O. Bournez and M. L. Campagnolo. A Survey on Continuous Time Computations. In New Computational Paradigms. Changing Conceptions of What is Computable. (Cooper, S.B. and Löwe, B. and Sorbi, A., Eds.) Springer, pages 383–423. 2008.
  3. D. S. Graça and J. F. Costa. Analog computers and recursive functions over the reals. Journal of Complexity, 19(5):644–664, 2003
  4. O. Bournez, M. L. Campagnolo, D. S. Graça, and E. Hainry. Polynomial differential equations compute all real computable functions on computable compact intervals. Journal of Complexity, 23:317–335, 2007