General der Luftwaffe

General der Luftwaffe (en: General of the air force) was a three-start general of the Nazi Wehrmacht, comparable to modern armed forces OF-8 grade. Promotions to that particular rank appeared only twice in 1942, as special case within the sequence of ranks in the Nazi Luftwaffe. The reason was, because the Luftwaffe Generalleutnant, to be promoted, not could be dedicated to a specific branch of service, e.g. Flieger (flying air force), Flakartillerie (air defence artillery), or Luftnachrichtentruppe (Air Force communication troops). In order to solve the problem, the rank General der Luftwaffe was introduced.

It was equivalent to the Admiral three-star flag officer rank in the Nazi Kriegsmarine, and SS-Obergruppenführer und General der Waffen-SS.

Preceded by
junior Rank

(German officer rank)
General der Luftwaffe

Succeeded by
senior Rank

Officers in this rank

Name Dates of life Promotion Remark
Wilhelm Schubert 1879–1972 July 1, 1942 Expert ow war economy and armament
Walther Wecke 1885–1943 December 1, 1942 First commanding officeerr of the Hermann Görings police Stabswache

See also
