
Game background
Title(s) Firelord, All-Destroyer, Cleanser of Worlds
Home plane Pandemonium
Power level Intermidiete Deity
Alignment Chaotic Evil
Portfolio Fire, Destruction, Renewal
Domains Chaos, Destruction, Dragon, Evil, Fire (Renewal)
Design details

In the Dungeons & Dragons role-playing game, Garyx is the dragon god of fire, destruction, and renewal.[1]:33–34

Publishing history

Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd edition (1989-1999)

Garyx was first detailed for the Forgotten Realms campaign setting in the original Draconomicon (1990).[2]

Dungeons & Dragons 3.0 edition (2000-2007)

Garyx's priesthood and his role as a draconic deity are further detailed in the third edition Draconomicon (2003).[1]


Garyx symbolizes the sheer power and destructive force of dragonkind. Some argue that Garyx is actually insane.[1]


Garyx pays little or no attention to his clerics and worshipers, but they do not care.[1] Some druids revere the renewing aspect of Garyx, knowing that devastation is necessary for rejuvenation to occur.[1]
