Garden History Society

The Garden History Society is an organization in the United Kingdom established to study garden history and to protect historic gardens.

It was founded in 1966, and is a registered charity[1] with headquarters in London. Current membership is around 1,500.

The Garden History Society is currently without a formal President. This is a temporary situation whilst the Society is in transition to amalgamate with the Association of Gardens Trusts. Past presidents include Mavis Batey and Sir Roy Strong. The current Chairman is landscape architect Dominic Cole.[2]

The society publishes a quarterly journal, Garden History since 1970. As of 2013 the editor is Dr Barbara Simms.[3]

Statutory role

Since 1995, the Garden History Society has been a statutory consultee in relation to planning proposals which affect historic designed landscapes identified by English Heritage as being of national significance, and which are included on the Register of Parks and Gardens of Special Historic Interest in England. Thus when a planning authority receives a planning application which affects a site on the Register, or the setting of such a site, the planning authority must consult the Society.[4]

See also


  1. Garden History Society, Registered Charity no. 1053446 at the Charity Commission
  2. "Garden History Officers". Retrieved 17 October 2013.
  3. "Our Journal". Garden History (Garden History Society). ISSN 0307-1243. Retrieved November 2013.
  4. "Statutory consultations". Retrieved 28 June 2012.

External links