Gambian pound

The Gambian pound was the currency of the Gambia between 1907 and 1971. Gambia used the British West African pound until it issued its own currency on October 5, 1964. In 1971, the dalasi replaced the pound at a rate of 1 pound = 5 dalasi, i.e., 1 dalasi = 4 shillings.


Coins were introduced in 1966 in denominations of 1, 3 and 6 pence, 1, 2 and 4 shillings, with 8 shillings added in 1970. All coins had Queen Elizabeth II's portrait on the obverse.

Value Date Composition Reverse
1 penny1966 Bronze Native sailing boat
3 pence1966 Aluminium bronze Double-spurred francolin
6 pence1966 Cupronickel Three peanuts
1 shilling1966 Cupronickel Oil palm
2 shillings1966 Cupronickel African domestic ox
4 shillings1966 Cupronickel Slender-snouted crocodile
8 shillings1970 Cupronickel Hippopotamus

The 8 shilling coin of Gambia is the only example of this denomination ever minted. With the exception of the Hippopotamus, the reverse designs of the pre-decimal coins were reused on Gambia's decimal coins.


On October 5, 1964, banknotes were introduced by the Gambia Currency Board in denominations of 10 shillings, 1 and 5 pounds. All notes had a sailing boat with a forest background on the obverse and were produced until 1970.

Value Colour Reverse
10 shillingsGreenNatives tending their crops
1 poundRedLabourers working at a wharf
5 poundsBluePeople using hand powered machinery

See also


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