Gallia (disambiguation)

Gallia may refer to:

  • Gallia Cisalpina, meaning "Gaul on this side of the Alps", propraetorial province (merged with Italy ca. 42 BC). Sometimes referred to as Gallia Citerior (Hither Gaul), Provincia Ariminum, or Gallia Togata (Toga-wearing Gaul, indicating the region's early Romanization).
  • Gallia Transpadana denoted that part of Cisalpine Gaul between the Padus (now Po) and the Alps
  • Gallia Cispadana denoted that part of Cisalpine Gaul to the south of the river Padus (Po).
  • Gallia Narbonensis, also known as Gallia Transalpina (Transalpine Gaul), meaning "Gaul on the other side of the Alps".
  • Gallia Comata (divided in 22 BC)