Galaxy of Fear: The Brain Spiders

The Brain Spiders
Author John Whitman
Cover artist Steve Chorney
Country USA
Language English
Series Galaxy of Fear
Canon C
Subject Star Wars
Genre Science fiction
Publisher Bantam Skylark
Publication date
1 Dec 1997
Media type Paperback
Pages 122
ISBN ISBN 0-553-48637-3
Preceded by Army of Terror
Followed by The Swarm

The Brain Spiders is the seventh book in the Galaxy of Fear series by John Whitman set in the Star Wars galaxy shortly after Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope. Many canonical characters and elements appear in the Brain Spiders such as Jabba The Hutt and Bib Fortuna. The brain spider the title references can be seen in Return of the Jedi.

Publisher's description

Uncle Hoole's idea of a vacation is visiting the palace of Jabba the Hutt. Of course, it's a working vacation. Hoole wants to study the B'omarr monks who live in tunnels beneath the palace. If Jabba isn't enough to give Zak and Tash nightmares, the monks should do it. The most enlightened monks don't have bodies. They're just brains in jars. Brains in jars that walk around on robotic legs. Worst of all, one of the monks is mad-not just angry- mad, but out-of-his-mind mad. And if Tash isn't careful, she might lose her head.


A murderer who carves a K into his victims is imprisoned in Jabba's palace, when the story begins. A prisoner tricks Zak into believing that he is innocent, and Zak lets him escape. This is presumed to be the same murderer. Later, Zak thinks he sees Tash kill someone and carve the same K. This is explained when a brain spider spells out "IM TASH" in sand, suggesting that the murderer's brain was placed in Tash's body and that Tash's brain was placed in a spider.

Tash tries to develop her sense of the force at the Sarlacc pit.

External links