Gabriel Jacques Surenne

Gabriel Jacques Surenne was a 19th-century French military historian who authored numerous publications in the fields of warfare and battle analysis and also in French grammar. Gabriel Surenne was a master at the Scottish Military and Naval Academy, an Edinburgh institution 'for training young men, chiefly for the service of the royal and East India Company's services; Surenne also contributed to the various branches of military education such as fortification, military drawing, gun-drill, and military exercises.[1] The Academy was closed in the late 19th century.

Theory of Mons Graupius

Surenne analysed the noted historic battle of Mons Graupius and concluded in a letter to Sir Walter Scott[2] that the most likely location of this first recorded battle in Scottish history was in the vicinity of Kempstone Hill and the Raedykes Roman Camp.[3]


  1. James Grant, Old and New Edinburgh, vol. 3, p. 138
  2. Gabriel Jacques Surenne, Letter to Sir Walter Scott, (1827)
  3. C.Michael Hogan, Elsick Mounth, 2007, The Megalithic Portal, Ed. Andy Burnham