Development status active
Operating system Linux
Platform GNOME
Type abstraction layer for the files system
Website wiki.gnome.org/gvfs

GVFS is the virtual filesystem for the GNOME desktop, which allows users easy access to remote data via SFTP, FTP, WebDAV, SMB, and local data via Udev integration, OBEX, MTP and others.[1]

Attached resources are exposed via a URI syntax, for example smb://server01/gamedata or ftp://username:password@ftp.example.net/public_html, but are also mounted in the traditional manner under ~/.gvfs/ or /run/user/$USERNAME/gvfs or $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/gvfs directory[2][3] to make them available to applications using standard POSIX commands and I/O.

Technical details

GVFS may use FUSE,[4] and replaces the earlier GnomeVFS.[5] It consists of two parts:[6]

  1. a shared library which is loaded by applications supporting GIO
  2. GVFS itself, which contains a collection of daemons which communicate with each other and the GIO module over D-Bus.

A collection of command-line utilities (such as gvfs-mount, gvfs-less) works with VFS resources.[7]

GVFS uses libgphoto2 to expose on-camera photos to GNOME applications via a virtual filesystem.

See also
