Operating system Cross-platform
Type Image manipulation
License CeCILL
Website gmic.eu

G'MIC is a free and open-source framework for image processing. It defines a script language, that allow the creation of complex macros. Originally only usable through a command line interface, it is now currently mostly popular as a GIMP plugin.[1] G'MIC is licensed under the CeCILL license.


Command line

G'MIC is primarily a script language callable from a shell. For example, to display an image:

gmic image.jpg

This command displays the image contained in the file image.jpg and allows to zoom in to examine values.

G'MIC allows to apply several filters one after the other. For example, to crop and resize an image:

gmic image.jpg -crop 0,0,250,250 -resize 50%,50%

Gimp plugin

G'MIC is one of the most popular Gimp plugins.[2] It contains several hundreds of different filters offering a preview and setting parameters.

G'MIC Online

Most of the filters available for the Gimp plugin are also available Online.


ZArt is an graphical interface for real-time manipulation of webcam images.


Libgmic is a C++ library to be linked to third-party applications.


  1. Williams, Mike. "G'MIC: the world’s most flexible image processor?". Betanews.
  2. Wallen, Jack. "G'MIC: An incredibly powerful filtering system for GIMP". TechRepublic. Retrieved 20 November 2014.