
Funambol is a Silicon Valley software company that provides a Personal Cloud (Cloud storage) solution called OneMediaHub. OneMediaHub differs from other cloud storage solutions such as Apple iCloud or Dropbox as it is white-label, meaning that the solution is branded by other companies who bring the solution to market. As of Q1, 2014, OneMediaHub has been chosen by eight large (tier-1) mobile operators to provide personal cloud services for an addressable market of more than one billion people.[1] Funambol started as an open source project which evolved into a commercial software company.

Company and Project History

The Funambol project was started in 2001 by developers because of the lack of an open source Java implementation for mobile device data synchronization. The original name of the project was Sync4j, later changed into Funambol. In 2003, Funambol was founded by Fabrizio Capobianco (CEO, now President and Chairman), Stefano Fornari (CTO) and Alberto Onetti (CFO). The core development team was (and is) based in Pavia, Italy. Over the years, the Funambol project has gone beyond the original server engine, and now includes administration tools and client SDKs for Java and C++ development. Because of the project's fast growth, the company received its first venture capital investment in 2005. Since then, the company has grown to provide 13 major product releases that are used by many of the largest companies in the mobile industry, including mobile operators, device manufacturers, internet portals, software firms and system integrators.

Open Source Project History

The Funambol open source project consists of a free and open source sync server that provides PIM (address book and calendar) synchronization, and device management for wireless devices, leveraging standard protocols such as SyncML. This open source project is also a development platform for mobile applications. It provides C++ and Java client APIs and server side Java APIs, and facilitates the development, deployment and management of mobile projects. The project has several components. Funambol open source software is licensed with the AGPLv3 license.

OneMediaHub Commercial Solution

Funambol OneMediaHub is a white-label personal cloud solution. It secures data and content on mobile devices and computers in the cloud, syncs it across diverse devices, and allows sharing with other people and systems. In contrast to personal cloud services such as Apple iCloud, it is cross-device, meaning it supports iOS, Android and Windows Phone devices, as well as Windows and Mac computers. Compared to cloud storage services such as Dropbox, which allows file syncing and sharing, OneMediaHub is focused on simplifying the digital life of consumers by automatically organizing content into categories (such as pictures, videos, music, files, etc.) and making this organized content available across devices. More information about OneMediaHub can be found on the company's website.

Industry recognition

Funambol has been recognized by industry groups and industry analysts worldwide with several awards:


Recently, multiple white-label services have appeared that directly or indirectly compete with Funambol OneMediaHub. The list below contains some cloud storage platforms that are similar to Funambol OneMediaHub.

See also


  1. "Thinking Out Cloud blog". TMCnet. December 2013.

External links