Full twisting layout

A full twisting layout, also called a full twist or a full is a gymnastics move similar to a piked full twist. It is an advanced move.


In order to be in good condition to try this skill, some skills are required; these include: roundoff, back handspring, back tuck, layout, as well as being able to do a flatback full twist, and a half twisting layout. Many people claim that an Arabian front is harder to land than a full, because it is landing forward. This skill is not necessary.


This skill is introduced in floor routines in levels 6 and 7. It is legal for competition in level 7. It is typically not done on the beam until later levels, but it is commonly done as a vault, in the form of a Yurchenko or Tsukahara. This is one of the basic skills in the upper levels of gymnastics. This skill is also popular in Power Tumbling. It is not required until level nine, but may be included in a tumbling pass as early as level 7. In Allstar Cheerleading, full twisting layouts are legal level 5, which is the second to highest level.

Forward Twisting Layouts (Front Fulls)

The required skills to have before attempting a front full include: front handspring, fronttuck, as well as front layout.

Execution Height is extremely important in execution of the skill. The skill can be executed from a front handspring, or a run. In attempting the skill with a front handspring, the handspring must be fast, strong, and land with your hips slightly in front of your feet. From a run, you will need to punch the ground with your feet, as in a front tuck. Once the skill has been executed, and height has been gained, you can begin to flip. Once in the middle of the flip, you can twist, however it is crucial in this skill to twist at the correct time. The knowing of correct time is obtained by attempted execution.