Fulk of Pavia

Feastday: October 26 1164 - 1229

Bishop of Pavia, Italy, born in Piacenza, of Irish descent. After studying in Paris, France, he became the bishop of Piacenza and was then sent to Pavia by Pope Honorius III.

Saint Fulk
Bishop of Pavia
Born 1164
Piacenza, Italy
Died 1229
Venerated in Roman Catholic Church
Feast 26 October

Fulk of Pavia was born at Piacenza, Italy in 1164 and died 1229. Fulk's parents were Irish. He was appointed to a canonry in Piacenza. Then, after his studies in Paris, he became archpriest and bishop of Piacenza.

Six years later he was transferred by Honorius III to the see of Pavia, which he occupied for 13 years. He was cannonised and his feast day is 26 October.

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