Frontline Ministries International

Frontline Ministries International (FMI) is a Christian non-profit organisation based in Ohio.

Brief history

Frontline Ministries International (FMI) was founded by William and Mary-Pat Gokee in 1995 as a Bible study for young people in their home in Jackson Township, Stark County, Ohio, United States and officially incorporated as a 501(c)3 organization with the IRS in 1999 and given the name Frontline Ministries International. Originally all operations were conducted out of William Gokee's home in Jackson Township, but in 2005 they leased a vacant church, also in Jackson Township, located on Wales Road; All meetings and operations are now conducted out of the church on Wales Road.

Frontline Worship Center (FWC), a local church body, was established in 2005 by the leadership of Frontline Ministries international for the training and equipping of the saints as spoken of in the New Testament. Originally, church services were on Sunday evenings; but in January 2007, services were moved to Sunday mornings at 10:30am, preceded by a fellowship time at 10:00am. Currently, there are around 100 people attending. Many of those connected with FWC are involved in leading worship and being involved in the life and ministry of the church. Generally, Pastors Bill and Mary Pat Gokee take turns preaching on Sunday mornings.

Frontline Training Center (FTC) was established shortly thereafter as a vehicle for training individuals in areas of ministry and Christian living. Participation generally includes taking classes that are offered by the organization, being involved in ministry on Sunday morning and at various outreaches throughout the week, and, for many, traveling overseas on mission trips to various countries.


The beliefs of Frontline Ministries International are in line with the Historic Christian Faith as revealed in the Bible, which includes the following:

The Bible - The Bible is inspired by God. It is the infallible and authoritative Holy Word of God (II Timothy 3: 16; Matthew 3: 16, 17; II Peter 1: 19-21; Hebrews 4: 12; I Peter 1: 23-25).

God - There is one eternal God revealed in three persons, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, who comprise the Trinity (I John 5: 6-8; II Cor. 13: 14; Jo hn 3: 16, 17; Matthew 3: 16, 17).

Jesus Christ - His virgin birth, His atoning death, His bodily resurrection, His ascension to the right hand of the Father where He is interceding for believers, and His imminent and personal return in power and glory (John 10: 30, 58; John 20: 24-29; Mt. 1: 22; Luke 24: 39-43; Romans 5: 8; John 14: 2, 3; Romans 8: 34; I Cor. 15: 3-6; I Tim. 3: 16; Acts 1: 10, 11; I Thessalonians 4: 13-18).

Eternal Life - To possess eternal salvation it is essential to receive Jesus Christ and be washed in His redeeming blood since there is no other way by which man can be saved (Acts 4: 12; Hebrews 9: 22; I Peter 1: 18, 19; Ephesians 1: 3-14; Romans 4: 1-9; Romans 5: 1-11; Galatians 3: 22; Romans 3: 19-23; Mt. 25: 34, 41, 46; Luke 16: 19-31; John 14: 1-3; Revelation 20: 11-15).

The Holy Spirit - The ministry of the Holy Spirit includes the redemption of man, the distribution of spiritual gifts in the body of Christ, the production of fruit by His indwelling presence, and the empowerment of His people to live as God intended under the New Covenant (John 14: 26; I Corinthians 3: 16; I Corinthians 12: 1-11; Luke 11: 13; John 7: 37-39, 14: 16, 17; Galatians 5: 22, 23; I Corinthians 14; Acts 1: 4-8; 2: 1-18, 38-41; 4: 8; 10: 44-47; 11: 16; 16: 7-14; 19: 1-6; Matthew 8: 14-17; Isaiah 53: 5; I Peter 2: 24; James 5: 14-16; I Corinthians 12: 9; Mark 11: 23, 24).


FMI is heavily involved in missionary work throughout the world and has teamed up with many different ministries of all different sizes to take the Gospel of Jesus to the four corners of the earth so that all people will hear the good news of who Jesus is. The first such trip was in 1996 when Bill and Mary Pat took between 20 and 30 students to Jamaica with Teen Mania Ministries. In the following years, teams have gone to Guatemala, India, Ghana, Mozambique, South Africa, China, Japan, Brazil, Togo, and other countries. FMI has sent teams to Ghana, Africa around ten times, working with Pastor Samuel Quarcoopome of Life Christian Centre, located in Amasaman, a suburb of Accra, which is the capital city. Team members are responsible to raise the funds to go on these trips through receiving tax deductible donations for the ministry and engaging in fundraisers. While in these countries, FMI is cautious to work with local leadership as they feel it is important to work with those whose lives are planted in ministry continually. They continue to work with churches and believers in areas of street evangelism, Bible School training and teaching, praying for the sick, ministering to the sick through medical clinics, providing and distributing clothing to those in need, distributing Bibles and other Christian literature and much more.

The Edge Bible Study

The Edge is the Bible study that was established in the home of the Gokees in 1995 and moved to the building on Wales a few years after the lease was enacted. Currently, the Edge meets in the church every other Saturday night at 6:30PM. FTC participants share responsibilities of leading worship, teaching, and discipleship. As an extension of "The Edge", FMI has campus Bible studies at various schools and colleges locally, also called The Edge. Currently, Bible Studies are being held at Jackson Middle School, Jackson High School,Stark State College, Malone University and The University of Mount Union (in Alliance). In the near future, FMI is looking at working with students of other local schools to start additional Bible studies.


Twice a year, FMI hosts retreats at local campgrounds for high school and college aged students to draw close to the Lord and refocus in their relationship with Him. These retreats are filled with dramas, dances, skits, videos, games, times of accountability and relationship development, worship, teaching the Word of God, good food, and lots of fun. The retreats are planned and led by those who are involved in the Frontline Training Center. These retreats give participants real opportunities to develop and exercise giftings and talents in these different areas.


Occasionally, FWC hosts conferences locally, inviting the community to hear a special speaker and participate in worshipping the Lord together. Some of the lineup includes: Michelle perry (Missionary to Sudan), Henry Gruver (Prayer Walker who has traveled the globe praying over nations), Mel Tari (involved in a major revival that took place in Indonesia), Pastor Jose Novela (Pastor from Iris Ministries in Mozambique Africa who works alongside Rolland and Heidi Baker, founders of iris Ministries), Pastor and Mrs. Samuel Quarcoopome (overseers of dozens of churches in Ghana Africa), and more.

Local Outreaches

Gift of Christmas

Each year in December, FMI hosts an outreach to those in the community who are in a tough place financially and are unable to provide Christmas for their families. FMI busses these individuals in and church members help them shop at the local WalMart and KMart, buying gifts for their families. After shopping, these individuals are taken back to the church for a good home-cooked meal and entertainment which includes, clowns, balloon animals, songs, skits, drama, and dance. This is followed by a time of worship, led by FTC participants and a short message, after which an invitation is given for them to receive encouragement and prayer from the ministry team. As a result of this annual outreach, a number of these people have begun to attend FWC and become involved in the life of the church. The Gift of Christmas is financed by church members and donors who want to see the needs of these individuals provided for.

Nursing Home Ministry

Every other Wednesday a team goes to a local nursing home to minister to the residents through song, teaching, and personal interaction. It is such a blessed time where the residents feel the love of God as "FMIers" demonstrate the practical love of Christ.

Behavioral Health Center

Every other Monday a team from FMI goes to a local Behavioral Health Center and ministers to the residents there as well. Much opportunity is given for the team to pray for and with the residents. As a result, some residents have asked Christ to come into their lives or have rededicated their lives to Christ.

Local Soup Kitchen

Every Tuesday, a team of young people from FMI goes to a local soup kitchen, the Total Living Center, and hosts a service for those coming for a good, hot meal. They begin with a time of worship and follow with teaching or preaching from the word of God. Opportunity is given to the people to invite Christ into their circumstances. After the service, there is a meal prepared and served by different people from the community and from local churches. The Total Living Center, founded by Pastor Don and Mary Bartow, is a ministry focused on meeting the needs of people on all levels.

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