
Froglife is a British wildlife charity committed to the conservation of amphibians and reptiles and their associated habitats. The charity aims to encourage as many people as possible, from all walks of life, to get involved in wildlife conservation and habitat protection.


The current objectives of Froglife are outlined in the 2009/10 Annual Review:

Conservation objectives

To conserve species and habitats

  1. We will support and implement the creation of habitats for amphibians and reptiles
  2. We will deliver Biodiversity Action Plan outputs at a local and landscape level, working with volunteers and partners
  3. We will build capacity for individuals and organisations involved in the conservation of amphibians and reptiles, working in partnerships, providing training courses and specialist advice

Communication objectives

To communicate knowledge and encourage support

  1. We will get our message out to audiences by ensuring that opportunities to engage with our intended audiences are met, through events, online, through the media and through the production of advice publications
  2. We will generate support for our work by creating opportunities for audiences to engage in our work, through practical hands on action, "citizen-science" recording projects, or through financial support of Froglife's work.
  3. We will show the value that our projects bring by communicating clearly the outcomes of our work, and how these tackle threats to amphibians and reptiles and benefit people's lives in the process.

Learning objectives

To educate and inspire new audiences

  1. We will support people on a lifelong journey of learning about our species, their habitats and the value of biodiversity to human life
  2. We will create new and unique approaches that complement current approaches to conservation education, building on lessons learnt within the sector
  3. We will move forward the education sector, improving policies, skills and resources to support new approaches to conservation education.

Current projects

Relationship with the Amphibian and Reptile Conservation Trust

During 2009/10 Froglife investigated the possibility of merging with the Herpetological Conservation Trust (HCT). Consequently the Amphibian and Reptile Conservation Trust (ARC) was set up with the intention for Froglife and the HCT to transfer all operations to ARC by 31 March 2010.[1][2] After deliberation the Froglife trustees felt that the organisational cultures were very different and that Froglife was better able to deliver its work by remaining independent.


  1. Wiggins, Kaye (14 July 2009). "Amphibian protection charities merge". Third Sector Online. Retrieved 9 May 2013.
  2. "ARC - latest news Efforts to save UK’s disappearing amphibians and reptiles boosted by charity merger". ARC NEWS blog. 6 July 2009. Retrieved 9 May 2013.

External links