Frigate lieutenant

This article is about the OF-1a (senior) rank Frigate lieutenant. For the equivalent rank in the naval forces K.u.k., Croatia, Serbia, and Slovenia, see Fregattenleutnant.
Naval officer ranks
Flag officers:

Admiral of the fleet • Fleet admiral • Grand admiral
AdmiralGeneral admiral
Vice admiralSquadron vice-admiralLieutenant admiral
Rear admiralCounter admiralDivisional admiral
CommodoreFlotilla admiral

Senior officers:

CaptainCapt at seaCapt of sea and warShip-of-the-line Capt
CommanderFrigate captain
Lieutenant commanderCorvette captain

Junior officers:

Captain lieutenantLieutenantShip-of-the-line lieutenant
Frigate lieutenantLieutenant (junior grade)Sub-lieutenant
Corvette lieutenantEnsign

Frigate lieutenant is a rank in some navies, especially those of Spain (Spanish: Alférez de Navío) and Latin America, roughly equivalent to a sub-lieutenant in the Royal Navy or a lieutenant (junior grade) in the US Navy. The French Navy equivalent is a ship-of-the-line ensign (first class) (French: enseigne de vaisseau de première classe).

The NATO rank code is OF-1 (senior)