Friends at the End

Friends at the End, or FATE, is a British organisation devoted to promoting knowledge about end-of-life choices and dignified death. The organisation distributes books about suicide methods such as terminal dehydration.[1] At least one FATE council member, Michael Irwin,[2] claims to have helped terminally ill patients go to Dignitas.[3] Dr. Libby Wilson is the organisation's convener and medical advisor.[4] In 2009, Wilson was arrested for allegedly assisting suicide.[5]


  1. Sarah-Kate Templeton (March 8, 2009), Terminally ill opt for suicide by starvation, The Sunday Times
  2. Andrew Alderson (9 May 2009), Suicide expert turns on 'Dr Death', Telegraph
  3. Henry Samuel (22 May 2009), Swiss suicide clinic helped depressed man die, Telegraph
  4. Physician assisted suicide to be debated, University of Aberdeen
  5. James Fidler (28 October 2009), Suicide Act to be modified (26), The Journal

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