French presidential election, 1873

A presidential election took place in France on May 24, 1873 following the resignation of incumbent President Adolphe Thiers.

After 1871 legislative election Legitimists and Orleanists monarchists hold a large majority over Republicans and Bonapartists.

Unlike as it was during Second French Republic, when President was elected by popular vote (see French presidential election, 1848), during Third Republic this was passed to the parliament.

There were two candidates to succeed Thiers:

Results (sole round):

Candidate Party Seats
  Patrice de Mac-Mahon Legitimists 99.74%
  Jules Grévy Republicans 0.16%


Unable to help in restore of monarchy after monarchist loses and streghten of Republican forces, Mac-Mahon resigned in 1879 and Grevy was elected to replace him without a significant opposition.


Results (French)