Freiman's theorem

In mathematics, Freiman's theorem is a combinatorial result in number theory. In a sense it accounts for the approximate structure of sets of integers that contain a high proportion of their internal sums, taken two at a time.

The formal statement is:

Let A be a finite set of integers such that the sumset

A + A\,

is small, in the sense that

|A + A| < c|A|\,

for some constant c. There exists an n-dimensional arithmetic progression of length

c' |A|\,

that contains A, and such that c' and n depend only on c.[1]

A simple instructive case is the following. We always have

|A + A|\,    2|A|-1\,

with equality precisely when A is an arithmetic progression.

This result is due to Gregory Freiman (1964,1966).[2] Much interest in it, and applications, stemmed from a new proof by Imre Z. Ruzsa (1994).

See also


  1. Nathanson (1996) p.251
  2. Nathanson (1996) p.252

This article incorporates material from Freiman's theorem on PlanetMath, which is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.