Franziska Troegner

Troegner and actor Jaecki Schwarz, 2009

Franziska Troegner (born July 18, 1954) is a German actress; she was born in Berlin-Mitte.

Starting in 1976, Troegner was part of the theatre company Berliner Ensemble where she played in Brecht plays, e.g. Mother Courage and Her Children, The Threepenny Opera, The Caucasian Chalk Circle. She dubbed minor roles in several Miss Marple TV series, e.g. A Murder Is Announced, A Pocket Full of Rye.

Troegner played Mrs. Gloop in the 2005 film Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Most of her other roles were in German TV movies and serials.

In 2009, Troegner published her autobiography Fürs Schubfach zu dick (Too thick to be typecast).

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