Franz Ludwig von Cancrin

Franz Ludwig von Cancrin (February 21, 1738 – 1812) was a German mineralogist, metallurgist, architect and writer.

Franz Ludwig von Cancrin

He was born into a German mining family where he was trained by his father in the science of mining. In 1764, he entered the service of the landgrave of Hesse-Darmstadt at Hanau, becoming professor of mathematics at the military academy, head of the civil engineering department of the state, director of the theatre and (1774) of the mint. A work on the copper mines of Elesse (1767) earned him a European reputation, and in 1783 he accepted from Catherine II of Russia the directorship of the famous Staraya salt-works, living thenceforth in Russia.

In 1798 he became a councillor of state at St. Petersburg. He published many works on mineralogy and metallurgy, of which the most important, the Grundzüge der Berg- und Salzwerkskunde (12 vols, 1773–1791), has been translated into several languages. His son, Count Georg von Cancrin, or Kankrin (1774–1845), was the eminent Russian minister of finance. The mineral of cancrinite is named after him.

Main Works
