Frans Dieleman

François Marinus (Frans) Dieleman (Aardenburg, 2 September 1942 - 11 April 2005) was a Dutch geographer, Professor in Urban and Rural Geography at the Utrecht University known for his work in the fields of urban geography and the geography of housing.[1][2]

Life and work

After studying social geography at the VU University Amsterdam in Amsterdam, where he graduated with honors, Dieleman continued his doctoral study at the University of Wisconsin. In 1978 he graduated from the University with a thesis entitled ""Een analyse van spreidingspatronen van vestigingen en van werkgelegenheidsgebieden in Tilburg en Eindhoven: een methodisch-technische studie" (An analysis of distribution patterns of branches and employment areas in Tilburg and Eindhoven: a methodical-technical study).[3]

Dieleman's started his academic career in 1969 at the VU University Amsterdam in the Department of Urban and Rural Geography of Western countries, which was part of the Geographic and Planning Institute of the Vrije Universiteit of Amsterdam. Sequentially from 1981 to 2003 he was a Professor in Urban and Rural Geography at the Faculty of Geosciences, Utrecht University. The last two years of his live he worked as Professor of Methods, Techniques and System Innovation in Spatial Planning at Delft University of Technology.

Late 1980s Dieleman and Hugo Priemus initiated the Netherlands Graduate School for Housing and Urban Research (NETHUR) in which the universities of Utrecht, Delft and Amsterdam worked together. In 1994 it acquired the official recognition of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences. Dieleman directed NETHUR until 1998. Later in Delft he was also affiliated with the Institute for Spatial Research.[4]

Selected publications

Articles, a selection:


  1. Van Kempen, Ronald, and A. şule Özüekren. "Ethnic segregation in cities: new forms and explanations in a dynamic world." Urban studies 35.10 (1998): 1631-1656.
  2. Marcuse, Peter, and Ronald Van Kempen, eds. Globalizing cities. John Wiley & Sons, 2008.
  3. Nicoline Meijer. "In memoriam Frans Dieleman," at, 13 april 2005.
  4. Henk Ottens (2005) In memoriam Frans Dieleman, in NETHUR Nieuwsbrief. 01-2005.

External links