Frankfurt mafia

Frankfurt mafia[1] is an criminal group mostly from the little town of Veles, Macedonia that was involved in activities in Frankfurt,[2] Germany and Vienna, Austria regarding heroin trade.[3] It is a part of Macedonian mafia.

Structure and composition


Boris Rhein in 2011

One of the ways to become a member of the organization from Veles is as follows: People who are interested in becoming a member first go to Bulgaria and get a Bulgarian passport, then they start to ask around on how to get to Frankfurt, there is a large network of the organization in the little town of Veles, the regruters chose who they want to work with and they contact them, usually for dealing drugs. Then you have training, if you pass the training they sent you to Frankfurt to work for them. Boris Rhein, Hessen interior minister stated that Frankfurt mafia held about 90% of the trade for a couple of years. In 2009 the Frankfurt Mafia earned €15 million Euros.[4]

International activity


Frankfurt mafia controlled 19 out of 24 blocks in Vienna's drug trade using intelligence methods.[5]

See also

Macedonian mafia


External links