Frank Scheffold
Frank Scheffold (Pfullendorf, Germany, 28.05.1969) is the head of the Soft Matter and Photonics Group [1] in the physics department[2] at the University of Fribourg, Switzerland.
He studied at the University of Konstanz in Germany, as well as the Weizmann Institute of Science (Israel, with Prof. J. Klein). He obtained his doctorate summa cum laude at the University of Konstanz, for research carried out with Prof. G. Maret at the Institute Charles Sadron (Strasbourg, France) and Konstanz. His research in the Soft Matter and Photonics Group focuses on the optics of complex systems, dynamic light scattering and diffuse light propagation, the dynamics, aggregation and phase behaviour of colloidal systems and the production and characterization of soft materials.[3] He is author and co-author of almost 100 articles.[4] He is currently a member of the Swiss National Research Council and the Steering Committee for "Polymers and Colloids" at the Swiss Chemical Society.
He has published 24 paper cited 24 tites or more in Google Scholar;[5] his most cited papers are:
- Frank Scheffold1, Ralf Lenke1, Ralf Tweer1 & Georg Maret "Localization or classical diffusion of light?" Nature 398, 206-207 (18 March 1999) doi:10.1038/18347(cited 199 times)
- Frank Scheffold and Georg Maret "Universal Conductance Fluctuations of Light" Phys. Rev. Lett. 81, 5800 – 28 December 1998 DOI: (cited 196 times)