Francisco Domingo Barbosa Da Silveira
Francisco Domingo Barbosa Da Silveira (born 26 March 1944 in Tambores) is a Roman Catholic bishop in Uruguay.
Early life and ordination
Silveira studied Roman Catholic theology. On 17 June 1972, he was ordained priest.
On 6 March 2004, he was made bishop of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Minas.
Scandal and resignation
In 2009, he was extorted by two prisoners, with whom the bishop had previously same-sex sexual relations.[1]
He subsequently resigned in accordance with the norms of canon law after an investigation from the Holy See.[2][3]
External links
- ↑ Radio Vatikan:Uruguay/Vatikan: Bischof tritt zurück
- ↑ Bischof wird homosexueller Akte beschuldigt (german)
- ↑ Der Standard:Bischof trat nach schweren Vorwürfen zurück (german)